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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-28
Space travel has entered a new age... with SpaceX and NASA leading the way! in this video, Unveiled compares and contrasts one of the most important aspects to any space flight; the spacesuit! While NASA has stuck with its traditional pumpkin orange design for the Artemis Program, SpaceX has revolutionised the way that astronauts look - turning them into superheroes! 

Check out the video, and let us know in the comments which one you prefer!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Does Anything Exist Outside of the Universe? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vvAxNODwyjbY
The Asteroids That Could Kill Us All - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vccejPrTvD2s

Are you constantly curious? Then subscribe for more from Unveiled  https://wmojo.com/unveiled-subscribe

#SpaceX #NASA #Astronaut07:25 656 07:25Space X Vs NASA: Spacesuits | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

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What IS String Theory?? Join us... and find out!

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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at string theory - one of the most debated and controversial scientific models of all! According to string theory, reality actually ISNT made up of particles and matter. At its most fundamental, theres something else happening... something that could change our understanding of everything, forever!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
What If Humanity Lives in a Tegmark Multiverse? - https://youtu.be/9Ts0pmYKZ3c
What If Humanity Was a Kardashev Civilization? - https://youtu.be/omScpI80PCo

#StringTheory #MTheory #Theory #Space #Science #TheoryOfEverything #Universe #BigQuestions09:11 20 09:11String Theory Explained | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

Things That Sci-Fi Always Gets Wrong  Subscribe: https://goo.gl/GmtyPv 
For more images and videos visit www.gettyimages.com

We all love a slice of science fiction. Whether its Doctor Who, Star Wars, Star Trek or Interstellar. A TV show, book or movie that throws us into another world, a futuristic existence or onto another planet. And most sci-fi stories require us to suspend our disbelief at least a little bit. But what are the things that sci-fi gets wrong more than anything else? Where are the lines between science fact and science fiction most often blurred?

What do you think? Let us know in the comments, and tell us more questions youd like us to explore!

Find more mind bending videos to satisfy your curiosity here:

What If Earth Crashed Into Another Planet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vCcWA_z_jYmE

What If Life is Just a Computer Game? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v2vSJzk29GFk

#SciFi #MovieMistakes #StarWars10:05 1185 10:05Stuff That Sci-Fi Always Gets Wrong | Unveiled 720p 720p

Dodał: Unveiled

Do Parallel Universes Exist?? Join us... and find out!

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In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at the 9 types of multiverse, as described by the physicist Brian Greene!

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
100 Things to Survive the End of Civilization - https://youtu.be/CfeLtRQR37E?
Do We Enter a Parallel Universe When We Die? - https://youtu.be/DeFErI1EVus?

#Multiverse #ParallelUniverse #ParallelWorld #Science #Space #Unveiled18:51 21 18:51The 9 Types Of Multiverse Explained 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

Earth has witnessed massive, apocalyptic events in its past. This planet has seen at least five mass extinctions throughout history, but could a wayward asteroid cause another one? Could the solar system one day turn against us?

In this video, Unveiled discovers whether a rock from space could one day trigger our next mass extinction...

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
Whats Inside the Asteroid Belt? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vaiDACZx_VJs
Surprising Ways to Survive an Asteroid Strike - https://www.youtube.com/watch?vKE-KyS27CLQ

Are you constantly curious? Then subscribe for more from Unveiled  https://wmojo.com/unveiled-subscribe

#Asteroid #Meteor #Armageddon #Apocalypse #Space06:53 75 06:53The Asteroids That Could Kill Us All | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled

What you didnt know about Starlink! Join us... and find out!

Subscribe: https://wmojo.com/unveiled-subscribe

In this video, Unveiled takes at Starlink, the growing satellite internet provider thats powered by SpaceX and Elon Musk! What is Starlink? How does it work? And is it hiding a dirty secret?

This is Unveiled, giving you incredible answers to extraordinary questions!

Find more amazing videos for your curiosity here:
What If Humanity Lives in a Tegmark Multiverse? - https://youtu.be/9Ts0pmYKZ3c
What If Humanity Was a Kardashev Civilization? - https://youtu.be/omScpI80PCo

0:00 Intro
0:35 Starlink and Satellite Internet
2:42 Scientific Criticism
4:35 Effects on Astronomy
6:54 Dead Satellites and Space Debris
8:32 Conclusions

#Starlink #SpaceX #ElonMusk #Elon #Technology #Science #Unveiled09:28 28 09:28The Bizarre Truth About Starlink | Unveiled 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Unveiled