Time to actually show how it will look like.00:28 69 00:28BombStory - Second Teaser of the BombSquad Cartoon 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Meet Sok, Miki, Joe, and jump into the fantastic world... made of plasticine and wooden blocks.

Animation: SoK
Music: TheMikirog
Post Production: TheMikirog
Based on fanfics written by: TheMikirog
Idea: SoK
Script: SoK (Fixes: TheMikirog)
Cameraman: Breaker

Sok - SoK
Miki - TheMikirog
Joe - SoK

00:00 - First Act
02:52 - Second Act
05:30 - Third Act

Based on the game made by Eric Froemling. 
Thank you, Eric. For fantastic years of joy on our faces.08:36 90 08:36BombStory: Episode 1 - Creation [Season One] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Our heroes finally could rest for their next adventures. But something is wrong. They need to investigate...

Meet Sok, Miki, Joe, and jump into the fantastic world... made of plasticine and wooden blocks.

Animation: SoK
Music: TheMikirog
Post Production: TheMikirog
Based on fanfics written by: TheMikirog
Idea: SoK
Script: SoK (Fixes: TheMikirog)
Storyboards: SoK

Sok - SoK
Miki - TheMikirog
Joe - SoK
Zoe - Mathilda K. Danielsson

00:00 - First Act
02:51 - Second Act
05:30 - Third Act
Based on the game made by Eric Froemling. 
Thank you, Eric. For fantastic years of joy on our faces.07:54 83 07:54BombStory: Episode 2 - The Castle [Season One] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Our friends are captured by a crazy woman. This is getting out of hand!

Meet Sok, Miki, Joe, and jump into the fantastic world... made of plasticine and wooden blocks.

Animation: SoK
Music: TheMikirog
Post Production: TheMikirog
Based on fanfics written by: TheMikirog
Idea: SoK
Script: SoK (Fixes: TheMikirog)
Storyboards: SoK

Sok - SoK
Miki - TheMikirog
Joe - SoK
Zoe - Mathilda K. Danielsson

00:00 - First Act
01:40 - Second Act
03:52 - Third Act
05:50 - Epilogue

Based on the game made by Eric Froemling. 
Thank you, Eric. For fantastic years of joy on our faces.

Oddmotion Toons, 201806:11 121 06:11BombStory: Episode 3 - Headquarters [Season One] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

In case the first teaser wasnt received by everyone ;D00:24 72 00:24BombStory: Episode 5 Release Teaser 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Coming soon!

Animation: SoK
Video editing: SoK
Music: TheMikirog
Voice-Acting: TheMikirog01:34 55 01:34BombStory Trailer 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

The Plasticine Wonderland is full of amazing people and creatures. What will they find in this great world full of mysteries?
This podcast series is an expansion of the universe I have created in my cartoon - BombStory. BombTales are one-time, short stories from different character perspectives.05:17 59 05:17BombTales: Episode 1 - The First Sunset [Podcast] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

This was a long time coming, but Im glad its here :)

Check out official BombSquad Discord server!

JRMP Discord server:
https://discord.gg/HQPPFpezbC04:12 55 04:12BombTales: Episode 2 - The Discovery [Podcast] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Just another    .00:53 110 00:53 Bombs Loves Me 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Celestine is a high-ranked member of the Astronians. She wants to share her creeds teachings about astrology over the realm of Eon.
Expect her to appear in the next major EON update!



TAGS #######################
#modsforbombsquad01:05 37 01:05EON - Introducing Celestine 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Lanchkin is an outcast pumpkin spider. He emerged from his cave because war annoyed him.
Expect him to appear in the next major EON update!



TAGS #######################
#modsforbombsquad01:05 40 01:05EON - Introducing Lanchkin 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

THE DATE IT SET! 01.02.2024!
Music used: Beyond - Lucas Ricciotti
We managed to get the game in a playable state, but its not done yet... Thats why we need YOUR feedback! Its crucial in terms on how the future development is gonna look like. We need to know what works, what needs to be fixed, what would be nice to get added... and more!

First public version of EON is going to be released 01.02.2024 (as already mentioned). After you play, we highly encourage you to join our Discord and share your thoughts! Link down below...

Our Discord: https://discord.com/invite/jaqHPSgwmf
EON is a team-based top-down combat game influenced by MOBAs and hero shooters like Paladins and Gigantic. Two teams clash over one objective, and the first to complete it wins. Players select from diverse characters, each with their own abilities and weaknesses. The game is made on Ballistica engine, used for the game BombSquad.

#modsforbombsquad01:31 94 01:31EON - Public Playtest Trailer 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Mystic received a BIG rework, so hes more unique and fun to play!
Expect him to show in the next major EON update!



TAGS #######################
#modsforbombsquad01:05 48 01:05EON - Reintroducing MYSTIC v3

Dodał: SoK05

I made a complete rework of the animation blending, changed some animations, added new one, and changed some values in movement. I am more satisfied with this system. TheMikirog helped a lot, thanks!00:28 54 00:28Explodinary! - Movement Test 2 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Miki you fast fuck00:14 61 00:14 Fast Catapult 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

I should make a whole series Breaker fucks up enemies00:14 70 00:14 Hi-Jump Killer 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

ohohoyee boi this is how you make a draw

im joking, that was some seriously intense shit00:28 67 00:28 How To Save A Round 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Film z nudów, długo myślałem czy go zrobić. Może spodoba się on Wam w takiej formie.

Oryginał: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vYREhVveHq9k
Oryginał stworzony przez TheLivingTombstone.02:46 73 02:46I Got No Time - BombSquad Music Video 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

I love bugs.00:39 48 00:39 Inside The Map 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

                                                     no...00:24 58 00:24 Inside The Map 2 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

WHY ALWAYS ME?!00:29 83 00:29 Inside The Map 3 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Hope you enjoy! :)

Original Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vVqdvMqGWX3A03:56 37 03:56Judgement - BombSquad Music Video 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

cooperation00:30 49 00:30 Jumping Duo 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05


Ja (SoK),
TheMikirog - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUDQDWnFOriyLjpdX7V3XPA
ShadowQ - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf-Fohs_oUdGBkBtpiqaMkQ
MrNexis - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCM9lKYm2OX3NEL0rW79AMOw17:17 48 17:17KALAMBURKI ( ) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Ruszam z nową serią! Ten film montowałem najdłużej ze wszystkich, i najwięcej przy nim pracowałem! Postaci w grze jest sporo, więc czeka mnie 10x tyle pracy.
Mam nadzieję, że film się spodoba, miłego oglądania!01:51 62 01:51Meet The Mel 720p 720p

Dodał: SoK05

Jako, że potknąłem się w Meet the Mel (chodzi o to, że w ogóle nie przybliżyłem postaci, nie pokazałem jej z innej strony... za to pokazałem Wam ucinki z gameplaya z nim, wkrótce wersja Revamped), postanowiłem zmienić formułę. Niesamowicie prosta, ale dająca minimalne tło animacja, razem z mini-formułką wywiadu daje inne wrażenie, a postać mówi nawet podczas gameplaya. Mam nadzieję, że się Wam spodoba.
Enjoy fellas!01:24 62 01:24Meet the Kronk 720p 720p

Dodał: SoK05

00:34 61 00:34Movement Test 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

The video is in polish, but you can watch it with english subtitles. The first half of the video is a quote from Cinnamon Shops written by polish prosaist Bruno Schulz. It is kinda BombStory related, so it lands here.01:56 56 01:56My Theater and Film Education Video 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Original by NateWantsToBattle03:35 41 03:35Nightmare - BombSquad Music Video 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05

Something BombSquad related (at least visuals XD). I think its better than SoKky Hop. Well, you are judges guys.01:51 44 01:51Pig Madness [Music] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: SoK05