Naziści na księżycu 02:40 5975 02:40Naziści na księżycu HD

Dodał: RobinBang

Made by The Faking Hoaxer

Hoax footage of strange happenings on the Moon. Captured on film by the Apollo astronauts. Created with Adobe CS4, 3DS Max 2010 and real photos. Lights, Towers and UFO's added via CGI. Music is by Atli Orvarsson 'The Fourth Kind' Soundtrack.04:08 837 04:08We Came in Peace by TFH - CGI

Dodał: RobinBang

Czyżby twórca tego obrazu  trafił w sedno sprawy? ;) 1391 06:55Życie na Marsie (Photoshop) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: RobinBang