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Dołączył(a): 2020-02-25
Its been a long time since someone requested me to play this, sorry it took so long!01:35 382 01:35 () ukulele cover + chords 1080p 1080p

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Its been a while since I made any cover. 

* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rankoukulele/
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rankoukulele/02:20 76 02:20 (Kanashikute Yari Kirenai) ukulele cover 1080p 1080p

Dodał: RankoUkulele

For Inka :D


Koko dake no hanashi from Kurage Hime :D02:44 87 02:44 (koko dake no hanashi) ukulele cover 1080p 1080p

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Szkoda, że tego przejścia do Narnii nie ma
#rankoukulele #polskamuzyka #wannawszafie
#shorty #shorts #short00:38 15 00:38A ja mam wannę w szafie

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Alergie chcą mnie zjeść
#rankoukulele #kwitnącetrawy #shorts00:35 45 00:35Alergie atakują

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Znowu nadszedł ten czas 
#rankoukulele #kwitnącetrawy #shorty #shorts00:34 25 00:34Alergie atakują

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Skąd ich tu tyle? 
#rankoukulele #gołębie #shorts00:23 34 00:23Atak gołębi

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Bardzo miłość bardzo jak bambosz
#rankoukulele #shorts00:56 29 00:56Bambosz

Dodał: RankoUkulele

#rankoukulele #miłośćjakbambosz #shorts #shorty00:46 33 00:46Bambosz bardzo bamboszowy

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Babosze nadchodzą00:14 41 00:14Bambosz coraz bliżej

Dodał: RankoUkulele

#rankoukulele #miłośćjakbambosz #shorty #shorts00:13 23 00:13Bambosze

Dodał: RankoUkulele

For Obo ;)
I promised a long ago that I will post the way I play this song, sorry it took so long. And for the bad quality, too. And for it being much faster than it should xD

* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rankoukulele/
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rankoukulele/02:22 53 02:22Bastion - Build That Wall (ukulele cover) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Tak to już jest, że entropia rośnie 
Cała piosenka: Prosię w chaosie
#rankoukulele #shorts00:23 111 00:23Bałagan robi się sam

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Biedronki ludojady takie straszne
#rankoukulele #biedronkiludojady #shorts00:21 93 00:21Biedronka ludojad

Dodał: RankoUkulele

New ukulele from the Ukulele Cheats Challenge  This is the last song I record in this house, as Im moving to Cambodia again, tomorrow. The quality of recording isnt good, but done in a hurry. I will record it again one day and make a doodle video for this one, maaybe.

It seems the choice Ive made was wrong again
I didnt think it would just change like this
I tried so hard and I was doing what I can
but theres always something you can miss

now there is too much money to be spend 
and too much time to be wasted
it wouldnt be like this if I didnt choose so wrong
now all I can do is pretend 
that its exactly as I planned
hoping everyone will play along

So Ive decided I dont want to be an adult today
Ive tried, it wasnt that much fun anyway
so if youre looking for me Ill be in my blanket fort hiding away
bring your own toys if you want to stay

cause I dont feel like being adult today
Where can i sign to resign?
Im not quite satisfied and I have complaints
Id like some changes in the storyline

cause theres too many things that didnt work out
too many things weve lost
wouldnt be easier to do it all again
now all i can do is stay
in my blanket fort all day
hoping it wasnt all in vain

So Ive decided I dont want to be an adult today
Ive tried, it wasnt that much fun anyway
so if youre looking for me Ill be in my blanket fort hiding away
bring your own toys if you want to stay

cause i dont want to be adult anymore
you can come in but please close the blanket door
so that the outside world will stay away
lets stay in the blanket fort, coloring 
the visions how we think the story should go
but im not sure I want to know


* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rankoukulele/
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rankoukulele/03:08 153 03:08Blanket Fort (original ukulele song) 720p 720p

Dodał: RankoUkulele

#rankoukulele #bohun #shorty #shorts #książkara #booktubepl00:35 1 00:35Bohun w moim sercu

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Kluska kluska aaa #rankoukulele #shorts #muzykanazywo00:52 57 00:52Bo jesteś kluską

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Bon Phum  by Kmeng Khmer   ukulele cover :)
sorry for my  Khmer :D02:03 190 02:03Bon Phum ukulele cover 720p 720p

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Piosenka Brzydki nagrana z @kuzniaprawdziwychmezczyzn ma już rok :D00:52 62 00:52Brzydcy od roku

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Stara piosenka w nowej aranżacji. Obczajcie Tomka tutaj: 

Lyrics and chords: 

Its great to see you how have you been
its been so long I dont know where to begin
I know that I know you, and you know me well
but I cant remember from where

You ask about my life, you know what I do
and Im pretty sure at some point I knew you well too
but still cannot place you, where are you from?
how did it happen that I know you at all

I cant remember your name o
oh no! I cant remember your name
I know I know you, you ask about my work
you know what I do,  how come I dont
I know your face well
you know my pets name
but I still cant seem to remember your name
I cant remember your name

It really is awkward to say  hey you
when you call my name asking how do you do?
And know Ive known you well
but l cant remember from where
how it happened, how did we meet?
was it school, university, work or the street?
did we talk that one time on the train?
how could i forget your name

I cant remember your name

ukulele chords: Gm7/C7/F/Dm
for guitar chords ask Tomek Dzieliński :P

* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rankoukulele/
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rankoukulele/

e-mail: rankoukulele@gmail.com

A może chcesz rzucić we mnie pieniążkiem?

A może koszuleczka z bazgrołkiem?

Możecie znaleźć moje piosenki też na:
Spotify: https://sptfy.com/rankoukulele
Apple Music: https://tinyurl.com/AppleRanko
Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/pl/album/12822...
Tidal: https://listen.tidal.com/artist/1811590602:58 97 02:58Cant remember your name (original song) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: RankoUkulele

czemu nigdy z górki? #rankoukulele #całeżyciepodgórkę #shorty #shorts #short00:38 26 00:38Całe życie pod górkę

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Granko w Poznaniu w Klubie Krąg na Łazarzu :) nagrane przez @sr_videos 

* Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rankoukulele/
* Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rankoukulele/
* TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@rankoukulele

A może chcesz rzucić we mnie pieniążkiem jednorazowo? 
Tipo: https://tipo.live/p/RankoUkulele
A może chcesz rzucać we mnie pieniązkami regularnie?
Patronite: https://patronite.pl/rankoukulele

A może koszuleczka z bazgrołkiem?

email: rankoukulele@gmail.com
#RankoUkulele02:37 26 02:37Całe życie pod górkę / live w Poznaniu 1080p 1080p

Dodał: RankoUkulele

Całe życie pod górkę z animacją od @paurachan3042 
#rankoukulele #całeżyciepodgórkę #shorts00:37 49 00:37Czemu nigdy z górki

Dodał: RankoUkulele