04:03 185 04:03Hieny - Cheyenne in the snow 480p 480p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

For my Nes
Music belongs to Havana Brown
Enjoy03:42 542 03:42Hobbit Tauriel tribute - Warrior 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Materiał audio i wizualny w całości należy do autorów. Używane na zasadzie fair use... Uświadom to sobie sobie ;-)04:01 190 04:01Hołd dla Marilyna Mansona - KILL4ME 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Kolejny filmik, mam nadzieję, że się podoba. Między tą dwójką zdecydowanie jest coś więcej. Zgadzacie się? XDD04:57 1674 04:57Hua Mulan & Xian Lang - Wild Horses 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Sorry, but Im not sorry for NOT censoring this utter RETARDS nick, but I prefer to let people know in advance who should they watch out for. Seriously, if this is how You think, there is something REALLY wrong with You. If Youre dumb af You gotta pay for it LOL00:37 80 00:37Human stupidity has no limits....... 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Because... Why not? XD Like if You love these beautiful creatures as well.04:03 55 04:03Hyena tribute - Cheyenne In The Snow 480p 480p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Wrzucam tutaj, bo YT jak zwykle robi to, co umie robić najlepiej. Mam nadzieję, że nie przeszkadza Wam, że zrobiłam to po angielsku. Nie podałam daty na początku bez powodu. Może niedługo ten film pojawi się na YT... Pewnie jeszcze nie w tym tygodniu.... ani miesiącu...03:36 174 03:36I have enough ok 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Reupload to YT. I hope You understand my point. If my channel would ever happen to be obliterated from the face of Yt-earth, You know where You can find me...03:36 60 03:36I have enough ok? 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Because..... Why not? These majestic animals deserved far more than what they get. I hope You will enjoy!!!04:03 92 04:03In The Eye of The White Tiger 720p 720p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Bezkręgowce, wystawa w Warszawskim Zoo, ok. 2018r01:24 53 01:24Invertebrates 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Serious question this time. It was delayed from 2009 to 2012, then to 2018, then to 2020, then we really got lost and noone knows anything anymore,but maybe You know? If You do, please let me know.07:16 125 07:16Is D War 2 still happening? 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar

Sometimes little things in life can help You deal with great losses... The way Ivy, my Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens, carefully walks around her enclosure is just adorable, but I hate to stress her out, so I only pointed a camera lense at her for such time :-) She wont cure my depression, but for sure she brings this spark of little light into my darkness... She doesnt know it, but she helps me keep on living. I hope Youll like her little legs slowly moving on the glass too :-) enjoy until You can :-) happieness is such a fleeting thing, istnt it....01:56 90 01:56Ivy taking a walk on her enclosure 1080p 1080p

Dodał: NesuwahLunastar