Hercules jumping at the speed of light to catch the glints          
Its one of our favourite morning pastimes on weekends.00:39 56 00:39#shorts Hercules chasing glints of light 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

Meet the most sneaky Santa Cat on the planet 00:15 59 00:15#shorts Sneaky Santa Cat #shorts 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

Not every family teaches their children how to respect animals, quite the opposite, here they teach them how to torment animals physically and mentally. Everybody please report it for animal abuse, it worked last time and should work this time too.
We will continue our fight to stop any animal abuse channel we encounter. Heres the link to the video in question:

Id also like to recommend the channel Justice4animalsYT whos also fighting against the fake animal rescue channels:

The excerpt used in this video comes from the channel:
  Az family 165 03:08Another kitten being abused! Please help! 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

03:16 91 03:16Breakfast time | Hercules and Krecia 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

A wonderful story of two fearless cats who won the fight against the creepy fruits and vegetables. 

#catsvscucumbers #catsvsbananas #fearlesscats02:55 60 02:55CATS vs Cucumbers & Bananas 720p 720p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

Today Krecia in the role of the Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Watch and see how she did ;)01:57 45 01:57Cat Hunchback of Notre Dame 720p 720p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

01:29 68 01:29Cats Helping in Saturday tidy out 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

Funny cats are obsessed with playing together! Hide and seek + boxing of our furry friends.
Hercules is not an agressive kitten at all, she just shows her love to Krecia in this energetic way :)

#funnycats #crazycats #smiesznekoty01:25 47 01:25Crazy CATS In Action vol. 1 720p 720p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

02:52 61 02:52Crazy Krecia vol. 3 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

02:35 59 02:35Crazy Krecia went wild 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

Pozostawiony samemu sobie bezdomny kotek, okrutnie potraktowany przez ludzi którzy go wyrzucili z domu na bruk , dokarmiamy go dajemy mu jedzenie  i robimy co tylko możemy żeby przynajmniej troszku pomóc bezdomnym kotom .01:21 81 01:21Dokarmianie Bezdomnego Kotka w Terenie 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

Having fun with our cats is possible round the clock! You will laugh your head off watching the acrobatic skills of crazy, energetic kitties - Hercules and Krecia :)03:08 2389 03:08Gorączka Sobotniej Nocy :) 720p 720p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

The good-natured Hercules this time in the role of the mother of chickens  She adopted an orphan egg and takes care of it 24/7. There will be an update on her mothers skills when the chick hatchs  We already have a new home for the baby, but Hercules does not want to let the chickling go...00:35 101 00:35Hercules - the MOTHER OF CHICKENS 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

01:59:52 467 01:59:52Hercules and the fish 720p 720p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

02:48 95 02:48Hercules fearless fly hunter 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

The good-natured Hercules this time in the role of the mother of chickens  She adopted an orphan egg and takes care of it 24/7. There will be an update on her mothers skills when the chick hatchs  We already have a new home for the baby, but Hercules does not want to let the chickling go...00:35 70 00:35Hercules the MOTHER OF CHICKENS 720p 720p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

01:39 74 01:39Hipek Relaksuje się w Nowym Domu 480p 480p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

01:04 7 01:04Hipo and the snow 480p 480p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

01:31 73 01:31Hippolyte & Hercules

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

Hercules the magician cat 
We tried to hypnotise her but eventually she hypnitised us.

#catsmagic #crazycats #hypnotisedcats01:13 106 01:13Kot Magik 720p 720p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

01:11 26 01:11Krecias lazy morning 480p 480p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

01:04 116 01:04Krecik na łowach poluje na myszy 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

Przyszła długo wyczekiwana paczka z jedzonkiem, koty przeliczyły  że coś się nie zgadza i zrobiły reklamacje :)03:49 117 03:49Kurier chciał wykiwać Kota :) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

00:50 110 00:50Lisek Cyrkowiec 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Marek_Rak3

00:19 22 00:19New family member

Dodał: Marek_Rak3