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Dołączył(a): 2017-01-17
In this episode, we meet  Paul ORely, the Brazilian Man who loved Myslovitz so much that he started a fan club and moved to Poland - follow his club on insta https://www.instagram.com/myslovitzbrasil/36:07 97 36:07Why I Left Brazil For Poland | Paul ORely 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

On this episode of Kult America we feature renowned TV presenter Conrado Moreno who is known from TVP Europa da się lubić, as a charity worker, and as Poland's most beloved Spaniard 

★★★ CONTACT ★★★

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Email: kultamerica@mediakraft.tv
Brands: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv
Merchandise: https://shop.spreadshirt.pl/KultAmerica

Mediakraft PL Sp. z o.o.
ul. Nowy Świat 60/8, 00-357 Warszawa
NIP: 7010420629
Managing Directors: Levent Gültan, Ryan Socash09:26 478 09:26Why I Left Spain for Poland [Kult America] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

Meet @Dave z Ameryki , A Polish Youtube star who was brought up in the USA but decided to return to his native land in the recent years. 

0:00 - Meet Dave z Ameryki
1:19 - Daves life before Youtube 
1:57 - How did Dave like his life in America? 
4:17 - What was it like growing up Polish in America? 
5:18 - How did Dave z Ameryki become a famous Youtuber? 
9:10 - What is the difference between Polish and American women? 
12:30 - Dave z Ameryki discusses intimacy with Polish women 

Check out Daves book:https://davezameryki.pl/
Please note: Captions are automatically generated and may contain mistakes.  

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryansocash/
Email: KultAmerica@mediakraft.tv
Brands & Press: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv13:51 432 13:51Why I Left the USA for Poland - Dave z Ameryki 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

The average internet user spends about 24 hours of their week online, which is an absurd amount of time.  In that same amount of time I road horses in Lesko, went bobsledding in Przemyśl, cycled on the Green Velo trail, enjoyed zip lining near Rzeszow, sailed in Solina, peddled train bikes in Bieszczady, and rafted in Sanok.   I’m not passing judgement for being online, I just think its worth reconsidering ones priorities given the fact that life is so short.  When I’m not on my computer, I’m probably in Podkarpackie :) 

List of attractions:
1. Zielony Ponton, Sanok
2. Bieszczadzki Klub Turystyki Konnej "STANICA", Lesko
3. Bieszczadzkie Drezyny Rowerowe, Uherce Mineralne
4. Czarter jachtów na Solinie, Solina
5. Tyrolka, jezioro Tarnobrzeskie
6. Tor Saneczkowy, Przemyśl
7. Green Velo, Przemyśl

★★★ CONTACT ★★★

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Email: kultamerica@mediakraft.tv
Brands: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv
Merchandise: https://shop.spreadshirt.pl/KultAmerica
https://mediakraft.tv07:53 239 07:53Why I Quit Social Media [Kult America] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

Did you ever wonder why Polish People dont smile?03:08 295 03:08Why Polish People Dont Smile 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

#youtuber #depression @topowadycha00:52 170 00:52Why YouTubers Get Depressed

Dodał: KultAmerica

On this episode of Kult America, we partner with the Babbel app. to discuss personal reasons for learning a second language, as well as offer some encouragement to anyone considering similar ambitions. Learning a second language can be a life long endeavour, giving you the keys to the world.. 

Babbel app: https://go.babbel.com/ryan/oferta

★★★ CONTACT ★★★

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Email: kultamerica@mediakraft.tv
Brands: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv
Merchandise: https://shop.spreadshirt.pl/KultAmerica
https://mediakraft.tv08:03 378 08:03Why learn a second language? [Kult America] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

 SUBSCRIBE: http://youtube.com/user/KultAmerica/?sub_confirmation1
 INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/ryansocash
 FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/kultamerica
 CONTACT: kult.america@mediakraft.tv
 TRENDING: (utworzyć i dodać tutaj playlistę sterującą TRENDING)


 THE HEROS OF POLISH ROCK http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLvAnlkytrxPTShb9bwueX_a
 PODKARPACKIE http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLu1Jd-NGVqMUGUTsOn7yW05
 WHY I LEFT MY COUNTRY FOR POLAND http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLvexCZO8Su4_XhPRB3GNu4D
 USA http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLvyyb89ZahL_1D7tHfMdi-E
 INTERVIEWS http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLvcxg38iY0Ci8QCk0TOw4_0
 STANDING IN 3 COUNTRIES AT ONCE http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLt0eHsCy6KD_TchPHEjdZzK
 HISTORIC PLACES http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLs4J5BHOepaz9Epykf8xvTv
 THEN & NOW http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLtlMuJagLMCbhXj04OHBdyo
 TURKEY http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLvYHeutQPF7pq5-AFh_8pWa
 URBAN EXPLORING http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLsTnXjPWEQgiTfKEJhqUi7A
 GERMANY http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLtD2aDZ6A-l3Z6c4CoASNwR
 HOW TO MOVE TO POLAND? http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLvprlz1c1nORb6OcXi8KtzO
 AMERICAN TOURIST IN GREECE http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLuSSOJf97fnU80YkRY9zRaj
 QATAR http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLuXeCyLxIkTUCwMIVTrEeVC
 TASTE TESTING FOOD http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLuoN_7ViRXRaEZp_GkpuTgd
 UKRAINE http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLv5Y5cTBZ42g5lUC_79m9Rr
 POLAND http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLuW9FCek8Ggu_w-wzp8yqEL
 KULT AMERICA TV http://youtube.com/playlist?listPLQd092gxHkLs9dXi7nLHwDYsg6HbyvEGF

#KultAmerica #RyanSocash00:59 175 00:59Will Pickled Cheese ?

Dodał: KultAmerica

00:53 189 00:53Yes, Europeans Eat blood..

Dodał: KultAmerica

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryansocash/
Email: ryan.socash@mediakraft.tv
Brands & Press: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv00:15 177 00:15Youtubers talking about Poland. 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryansocash/
Email: ryan.socash@mediakraft.tv
Brands & Press: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv00:12 113 00:12epic Praga 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryansocash/
Email: ryan.socash@mediakraft.tv
Brands & Press: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv00:08 109 00:08haunted trees 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ryansocash/
Email: ryan.socash@mediakraft.tv
Brands & Press: bartosz.staniszewski@mediakraft.tv00:14 56 00:14the last CPM 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica

Last week I was invited to give a presentation about social media in the town of Świdnik, so I decided to use this opportunity and to have a drive around. On today’s episode of Kult America I invite you to see one of the craziest adventures I’ve had on this channel in Świdnik, Lublin Voivodeship.
You can see my full presentation here: https://goo.gl/sQcBkj

★★★ CONTACT ★★★
Merchandise: https://shop.spreadshirt.pl/KultAmerica
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RyanSocash
Instagram: https://instagram.com/ryansocash/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyanSocash
Email: kultamerica@mediakraft.tv

Mediakraft PL Sp. z o.o.
ul. Nowy Świat 60/8, 00-357 Warszawa
NIP: 7010420629
Managing Directors: Levent Gültan, Ryan Socash09:42 472 09:42ŚWIDNIK [Kult America] 1080p 1080p

Dodał: KultAmerica