00:15 67 00:15Medytacja, muzyka

Dodał: Kentico

The greatest freedom is to choose your own path.17:20 59 17:20Medytacja XIII Wolność, Freedom 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

Life is like a boot camp where you have to overcome obstacles to earn another life.21:47 83 21:47Medytacja XIV Life, życie 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

- Religion is faith or doubt.
- Religion is pride caused by the belief in the only right Truth, and contempt for people from the world.
- Atheism is also a religion because you cant deny something that doesnt exist.05:15 52 05:15Medytacja XIX Religia, Religion 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

Each of us is an incarnation of the Creator, because only in this way is He able to experience the world He created.17:56 37 17:56Medytacja XV Stwórca i my, Creator and us. 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

You say, I dont believe in God, I dont believe in reincarnation. Putins soldiers also did not believe in radioactive radiation in Chernobyl and dug there tranches, then to act in severe martyrdom for radiation sickness.
Just because someone doesnt believe in something doesnt negate the existence of it. Faith is an individual matter.19:40 30 19:40Medytacja X Wiara, Faith 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

Before you ask a question, ask yourself why you need this knowledge.
The easiest way to self-destruct is to live someone elses life.
Everything that happens in your life is a matter of your decisions and choices.
If you are looking for guilty events in your life, then stand in front of the mirror.

Music: The Life and Death of a Certain K. Zabriskie, Patriarch - Chris Zabriskie15:42 53 15:42Medytacja czerwcowa, June Meditation 720p 720p

Dodał: Kentico

Let us be ourselves and let others be others.
The biggest obstacle to happiness is the human ego.

Music: Infinite Perspective - Kevin MacLeod05:48 23 05:48Medytacja majowa - May meditation 720p 720p

Dodał: Kentico

When we start asking why something happens and delve into the reasons for it, we will have to leave the world of the senses and delve into spaces inaccessible to them.

There are so many theories about the essence of existence that a lifetime is not enough to know them.

There are so many theories, and the Truth is one.

Music: Light Awash - Kevin MacLeod00:35 61 00:35Medytacja sierpniowa / August meditation 720p 720p

Dodał: Kentico

This is my poem. I cant translate it into English.
Music: Land of the Dead - Kevin MacLeod04:21 707 04:21Melancholia / Melancholy 480p 480p

Dodał: Kentico

This is my poem. I cant translate it into English.
Music: Time Slips By - Go By Ocean _ Ryan McCaffrey02:40 215 02:40Mgła / Fog 480p 480p

Dodał: Kentico

This is my poem. I cant translate it into English.
Music: No.10 _A New Beginning - Esther Abrami02:27 26 02:27Mistyka 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

Czy wiecie, dlaczego tylko dzieci mają wstęp do Narnii? Zachęcam was do lektury Opowieści z Narnii C.S Lewisa. Zobaczycie zupełnie inny świat oczami dziecka.02:05 19 02:05Moc dziecięcej wiary 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

This is my poem. I cant translate it into English.
Music:  underwater-ambience-6201 26 00:46Modlitwa 720p 720p

Dodał: Kentico

This is my poem. I cant translate it into English.
Music: Gully Dreams - Hanu Dixit01:52 36 01:52Modlitwa / Prayer 480p 480p

Dodał: Kentico

To migawki z mojego życia dotyczące poszukiwań Stwórcy.

1. Kurs cudów 
2. Transerfing Rzeczywistości Vadima Zelanda
3. Książki autorstwa Ojca Anthony de Mello10:10 58 10:10Moja droga do odwiecznej Prawdy 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

Nie jesteśmy skazani na to co się wydarzy na skutek działania jakichś czynników zewnętrznych. Nie mamy też potrzeby walczyć o wszystko w swoim życiu.
Na początek polecam film Sekret oraz jak za każdym razem Transerfing rzeczywistości Vadima Zelanda.04:40 32 04:40Myślokształty, czyli nasza moc stwórcza 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Kentico

00:15 47 00:15Na dobry początek dnia

Dodał: Kentico