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58152 odsłon wideo
Dołączył(a): 2019-11-29
Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/pink-cream-69/1993-05-27-arnsberg-germany/ and write to me!

Band: Pink Cream 69
Where: Cult, Arnsberg, Germany
When: 27.05.1993
Length: 97 minutes

Andi Deris - vocals
Alfred Koffler - guitar
Dennis Ward - bass
Kosta Zafiriou - drums

01 Take Those Tears
02 Welcome the Night
03 Face in the Mirror
04 Do You Like It Like That
05 Hells Gone Crazy
06 Dyin Century
07 Till Youre Mine
08 Dont Let It All Come Down
09 Where the Eagle Learns to Fly
10 Shattered
11 Talk to the Moon
12 Monday Again
13 Still Alive
14 Livin My Life for You
15 Way Down
16 Signs of Danger
17 Somedays I Sail
18 One Step Into Paradise
19 Keep Your Eye on the Twisted
20 Detroit Rock City (Kiss cover)06:00 46 06:00Pink Cream 69 - Way Down (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/pink-cream-69/1993-05-27-arnsberg-germany/ and write to me!

Band: Pink Cream 69
Where: Cult, Arnsberg, Germany
When: 27.05.1993
Length: 97 minutes

Andi Deris - vocals
Alfred Koffler - guitar
Dennis Ward - bass
Kosta Zafiriou - drums

01 Take Those Tears
02 Welcome the Night
03 Face in the Mirror
04 Do You Like It Like That
05 Hells Gone Crazy
06 Dyin Century
07 Till Youre Mine
08 Dont Let It All Come Down
09 Where the Eagle Learns to Fly
10 Shattered
11 Talk to the Moon
12 Monday Again
13 Still Alive
14 Livin My Life for You
15 Way Down
16 Signs of Danger
17 Somedays I Sail
18 One Step Into Paradise
19 Keep Your Eye on the Twisted
20 Detroit Rock City (Kiss cover)06:00 38 06:00Pink Cream 69 - Way Down (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1368 and write to me!

Band: Praying Mantis
Where: Zaścianek, Kraków, Poland
When: 02.11.2019
Length: 91 minutes

John Cuijpers - vocals
Andy Burgess - guitar
Tino Troy - guitar
Chris Troy - bass
Hans int Zandt - drums

01 Captured City
02 Praying Mantis
03 Believable
04 Panic in the Streets
05 Restless Heart
06 Fight for Your Honour
07 Keep It Alive
08 Highway
09 Dream On
10 Lovers to the Grave
11 Time Slipping Away
12 Letting Go
13 Simple Man
14 Children of the Earth

***MY AUTHORING***04:59 36 04:59Praying Mantis - Simple Man (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/pretty-maids/1995-05-20-wacken-germany/ and write to me!

Band: Pretty Maids
Where: Wacken Open Air 1995, Hauptstrasse, Wacken, Germany
When: 20.05.1995
Length: 48 minutes

Ronnie Atkins  lead vocals
Ken Hammer  guitar
Kenn Jackson  bass
Michael Fast  drums
Alan Owen  keyboards

01 Psycho-Time-Bomb-Planet-Earth
02 Rock the House
03 Scream
04 Yellow Rain
05 Sin-Decade
06 No Messiah
07 Rise
08 Walk Away
09 Loud n Proud04:24 44 04:24Pretty Maids - Scream (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Do you want to watch a full show? Support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!

Do you want to get a full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/pull-the-wire/2021-08-14-warsaw-poland/ and write to me!

Band: Pull The Wire
Where: Stage 2, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 14.08.2021
Length: 70 minutes

Paweł Marszal Marszałek  vocals, guitar
Daniel Koziar Koźbiał  guitar
Adam MicroMarszal Marszałek  bass
Marek Janek Adamek - drums

01 Upadek
02 Papieros
03 Weź nie pierdol (Video cover)
04 Zgniły polski rock&roll
05 Życie w trasie
06 Okręt
07 Noc w czerwonym mieście
08 Rewolwer
09 Chodź na studia
10 Mój przyjacielu (Krzysztof Krawczyk cover, only one strophe)
11 Sztuka przemijania
12 Zorbas Dance (Mikis Theodorakis cover)
13 Zostaw mnie! (Die Toten Hosen cover)
14 Market Ska
15 Skibidi (Little Big cover, only chorus)
16 Iluzja
17 Życie to western
18 Kapslami w niebo

Filming: Gameplayer
Authoring: Gameplayer03:44 32 03:44Pull The Wire - Market Ska (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1161 and write to me!

Band: Pull the Wire
Where: Quality Hard Fest, Magnetofon, Łódź, Poland
When: 13.04.2018
Length: 70 minutes

Damian Pyza Pyza - vocals
Paweł Marszal Marszałek  guitar
Daniel Koziar Koźbiał  guitar
Adam MicroMarszal Marszałek  bass
Marek Janek Adamek - drums

01 Intro
02 Kłamstwa
03 Korporacyjna gra
04 Życie w trasie
05 Wolny człowiek
06 PGR
07 Analogowy gość w cyfrowym świecie
08 Dziewczyny z klubu go-go
09 Zostaw mnie!
10 Marusia
11 Kapslami w niebo
12 Noc w czerwonym mieście
13 Papieros
14 Londyn
15 Negatyw
16 Janusze i Abdule

***MY AUTHORING***03:57 26 03:57Pull The Wire - Marusia (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1292 and write to me!

Band: Pull the Wire
Where: The Rollin Barrel, Łódź, Poland
When: 07.04.2019
Length: 65 minutes

Paweł Marszal Marszałek  vocals, guitar
Daniel Koziar Koźbiał  guitar
Adam MicroMarszal Marszałek  bass
Marek Janek Adamek - drums

01 Intro
02 Twarze ludzi
03 PGR
04 Opresja 81
05 Życie w trasie
06 Miłość
07 Analogowy gość w cyfrowym świecie
08 Zespołowe opowieści 
09 Wehikuł Czasu (part)
10 Noc w czerwonym mieście
11 Londyn
12 Ponad wszystkim
13 Nie wiem
14 Historia pewnej miłości
15 Papieros (with Wiking on guitar)
16 Kapslami w niebo 

***MY AUTHORING***02:48 24 02:48Pull The Wire - Opresja 81 (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1259 and write to me!

Band: Pull the Wire
Where: Wytwórnia, Łódź, Poland
When: 15.02.2019
Length: 27 minutes

Paweł Marszal Marszałek  vocals, guitar
Daniel Koziar Koźbiał  guitar
Adam MicroMarszal Marszałek  bass
Marek Janek Adamek - drums

01 Intro
02 Twarze ludzi
03 PGR
04 Papieros
05 Życie w trasie
06 Miłość
07 Kapslami w niebo

***MY AUTHORING***05:12 32 05:12Pull The Wire - PGR (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1334 and write to me!

Band: Pull The Wire
Where: Ustronalia, Dom Studenta Ustronie, Warsaw, Poland
When: 26.05.2019 
Length: 89 minutes

Paweł Marszal Marszałek  vocals, guitar
Daniel Koziar Koźbiał  guitar
Adam MicroMarszal Marszałek  bass
Marek Janek Adamek - drums

01 Twarze ludzi
02 Zostaw mnie!
03 PGR
04 Polibuda
05 Opresja 81
06 Życie w trasie
07 Miłość
08 Ponad wszystkim
09 A wszystko to
10 Noc w czerwonym mieście
11 Analogowy gość w cyfrowym świecie
12 Historia pewnej miłości
13 Nie wiem 
14 Nekrodżentelmenel
15 Papieros
16 Kapslami w niebo
17 Ustrohymn

***MY AUTHORING***04:07 31 04:07Pull The Wire - Polibuda (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/pull-the-wire-1/2020-08-29-warsaw-poland-3rd-version/ and write to me!

Band: Pull The Wire
Where: Summer Stage, VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 29.08.2020
Length: 66 minutes

Paweł Marszal Marszałek  vocals, guitar
Daniel Koziar Koźbiał  guitar
Adam MicroMarszal Marszałek  bass
Marek Janek Adamek - drums

01 Londyn
02 Iluzja
03 PGR
04 Upadek
05 Miłość
06 Życie w trasie
07 Noc w czerwonym mieście
08 Papieros
09 Studia
10 Zgniły polski rock&roll
11 Zostaw mnie!
12 Opresja 81
13 Sztuka przemijania
14 Kapslami w niebo

Filming: Gameplayer
Authoring: Gameplayer03:57 26 03:57Pull The Wire - Studia (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings