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55926 odsłon wideo
Dołączył(a): 2019-11-29
Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/leash-eye/2020-09-19-warsaw-poland/and write to me!

Band: Leash Eye
Where: XV Klasz Ov The Sejtans, Remont, Warsaw, Poland
When: 19.09.2020
Length: 77 minutes

Łukasz Queju Podgórski - vocal
Arkadiusz Opath Gruszka  guitar
Marek Marecki Kowalski  bass
Marcin Bee Gees Bidziński - drums
Piotr Voltan Sikora  keyboards

01 Intro
02 One Time Two Times
03 Headin For Disaster
04 Open up, Chris
05 Bones
06 Moonshine Pioneers
07 On fire
08 Me & Mr. Beam
09 Lady destiny
10 On The Run
11 Last call
12 S.B.F. Anthem
13 Well oiled blues
14 The Nightmover

Filming: Gameplayer
Audio: Paweł Wegner (venue - soundboard) & Gameplayer
Authoring: Gameplayer03:36 40 03:36Leash Eye - Last Call (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Band | Zespół: Lej Mi Pół
Where | Gdzie: Progresja Music Zone, Warszawa, Poland
When | Kiedy: 14.01.2022
Length | Długość: 55 minutes

Maślak - vocals, guitar | wokal, gitara
Marian Bułka - bass, vocals | bas, wokal
Leon - drums | perkusja

01 Zapowiedź
02  Świat gnije
03 Gej party
04 Klasyka gatunku
05 Selfie
06 Płonący Rów
07 Prętem po jajach
08 Pędzel
09 Bimber
10 Veganka
11 Łabędź
12 Polibuda

Do you want to watch a full show? Support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!

Do you want to get a full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/lej-mi-pół/2022-01-14-warsaw-poland/ and write to me in order to trade!


Jeśli chcesz obejrzeć cały koncert, wesprzyj mnie na Patreon i zdobądź dostęp do godzin koncertów nagranych przeze mnie!

Jeśli chcesz otrzymać koncert w wersji DVD/BD, wejdź na https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/lej-mi-pół/2022-01-14-warsaw-poland/ i napisz do mnie by się wymienić!04:47 46 04:47Lej Mi Pół - Pędzel (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/lej-mi-pół/2019-09-06-warsaw-poland-2nd-version/ and write to me!

Band: Lej Mi Pół
Where: Potok, Warsaw, Poland
When: 06.09.2019
Length: 97 minutes

Maślak - wokal, gitara
Marian Bułka - bas, wokal
Bzzyk - perkusja

01 Ziąbel
02 Płonący Rów
03 Bimber
04 Veganka
05 Klasyka gatunku
06 Selfie [z fragmentem Hokejowego zamku Pidżamy Porno]
07 Sąsiad
08 Pędzel
09 Koszmar dziekana
09 Zawsze tam gdzie ty [Lady Pank cover, kawałek] 
10 Chodzę dziś znów [Cléo cover, pkawałek]
11 Zrzucam cię
12 Petrofeel [z fragmentami Czterech osiemnastek Tomasza Niecika oraz Tamtej dziewczyny Sylwii Grzeszczak]
13 Prętem po jajach [z fragmentem Mój jest ten kawałek podłogi Mr. Zooba]
14 Lekarz pierwszego kontaktu [z fragmentem Normalnie o tej porze Kalibru 44]
15 Nakurwiaj salto
16 Plaża
17 Gej party
18 Majami
19 Cycki na ścianie
20 Polibuda
21 Siostra [z fragmentem Oprócz błękitnego nieba Golden Life]03:39 60 03:39Lej Mi Pół - Selfie (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/lej-mi-pół/2019-09-06-warsaw-poland-1st-version/ and write to me!

Band: Lej Mi Pół
Where: Potok, Warsaw, Poland
When: 06.09.2019
Length: 97 minutes

Maślak - wokal, gitara
Marian Bułka - bas, wokal
Bzzyk - perkusja

01 Ziąbel
02 Płonący Rów
03 Bimber
04 Veganka
05 Klasyka gatunku
06 Selfie [z fragmentem Hokejowego zamku Pidżamy Porno]
07 Sąsiad
08 Pędzel
09 Koszmar dziekana
09 Zawsze tam gdzie ty [Lady Pank cover, kawałek] 
10 Chodzę dziś znów [Cléo cover, pkawałek]
11 Zrzucam cię
12 Petrofeel [z fragmentami Czterech osiemnastek Tomasza Niecika oraz Tamtej dziewczyny Sylwii Grzeszczak]
13 Prętem po jajach [z fragmentem Mój jest ten kawałek podłogi Mr. Zooba]
14 Lekarz pierwszego kontaktu [z fragmentem Normalnie o tej porze Kalibru 44]
15 Nakurwiaj salto
16 Plaża
17 Gej party
18 Majami
19 Cycki na ścianie
20 Polibuda
21 Siostra [z fragmentem Oprócz błękitnego nieba Golden Life]03:52 55 03:52Lej Mi Pół - Siostra (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Band | Zespół: Lessdress
Where | Gdzie: Wild Fest, Stage 1, VooDoo Club, Warszawa, Poland
When | Kiedy: 08.12.2018
Length | Długość: 61 minutes

Paweł Nowakowski - vocals, guitar | wokal, gitara
Krzysztof Faliński - guitar | gitara
Marcin Kurbiel - bass | bas
Arek Nosarzewski - drums | perkusja

01 Whats Got Into Me? (live premiere)
02 Whademagonna Quit Next?
03 Civilized Man
04 Please Dont Make Me Dance
05 Keep On Walking
06 Take the Money
07 Circus
08 Defenceless  (live premiere)
09 Butterflies
10 Whos Fucking Who
11 Concentration Camp Director
12 Age of Idiots (live premiere)

Do you want to watch a full show? Support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!

Do you want to get a full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/lessdress/2018-12-08-warsaw-poland/ and write to me in order to trade!


Jeśli chcesz obejrzeć cały koncert, wesprzyj mnie na Patreon i zdobądź dostęp do godzin koncertów nagranych przeze mnie!

Jeśli chcesz otrzymać koncert w wersji DVD/BD, wejdź na https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/lessdress/2018-12-08-warsaw-poland/ i napisz do mnie by się wymienić!06:49 29 06:49Lessdress - Age of Idiots (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1187 and write to me!

Band: Lessdress
Where: Potok, Warsaw, Poland
When: 18.05.2018
Length: 48 minutes

Paweł Nowakowski - vocals, guitar
Krzysztof Faliński - guitar
Marcin Kurbiel - bass
Arek Nosarzewski - drums

01 Whademagonna Quit Next?
02 Civilized Man
03 Circus
04 Go Girls
05 Please Dont Make Me Dance
06 Stroke the Pussy
07 Keep On Walking
08 Concentration Camp Director
09 Go Down Like a Man

***MY AUTHORING***04:20 29 04:20Lessdress - Circus (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id703 and write to me!

Band: Lessdress
Where: VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 02.10.2015
Length: 73 minutes

Paweł Nowakowski - vocals, guitar
Krzysztof Faliński - guitar
Marcin Kurbiel - bass
Arek Nosarzewski - drums

01 Keep On Walking 
02 Herassement 
03 Please Dont Make Me Dance 
04 Butterflies 
05 Chicaboom 
06 Go Girls 
07 Civilized Man 
08 Tequila 
09 Take the Money 
10 Whos Fucking Who 
11 Concentration Camp Director 
12 Go Down Like a Man 
13 Whademagonna Quit Next? 
14 DD Cup 

***MY AUTHORING***04:50 25 04:50Lessdress - Tequila (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Band | Zespół: Livin Fire
Where | Gdzie: Stage 2, VooDoo Club, Warszawa, Poland
When | Kiedy: 13.11.2021
Length | Długość: 47 minutes

Alda Reï - vocals, bass | wokal, bas
Nelson Juarez Nuñez - guitar | gitara
Sounds Krysian - guitar | gitara
Paweł Król - drums | perkusja

01 Chasing The Sky
02 Out Of Control
03 Biegnij
04 Liberate
05 Chilling Wind
06 Diving
07 Fallen Stars
08 Kiedy zobaczysz
09 Fire Inside
10 Out Of Control

Do you want to watch a full show? Support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!

Do you want to get a full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/livin-fire/2021-11-13-warsaw-poland/ and write to me in order to trade!


Jeśli chcesz obejrzeć cały koncert, wesprzyj mnie na Patreon i zdobądź dostęp do godzin koncertów nagranych przeze mnie!

Jeśli chcesz otrzymać koncert w wersji DVD/BD, wejdź na https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/livin-fire/2021-11-13-warsaw-poland/ i napisz do mnie by się wymienić!04:27 36 04:27Livin Fire - Fire Inside (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Band | Zespół: Locked Inn
Where | Gdzie: Czeska Sauna, Łódź, Poland
When | Kiedy: 21.01.2022
Length | Długość: 70 minutes

Kordian Kręcisz - vocals, rhythm guitar | wokal, gitara rytmiczna
Kamil Zieliński - lead guitar | gitara prowadząca
Michał Krokocki - bass | bas 
Rafał Domżalski - drums | perkusja

01 Sex Type Thing (Stone Temple Pilots cover)
02 Trojan
03 Thirsty
04 Listen Up
05 Innocent
06 I Sat by the Ocean (Queens Of The Stone Age cover)
07 Little Sister (Queens Of The Stone Age cover)
08 Abused
09 Again (Alice In Chains cover)
10 Would? (Alice In Chains cover)
11 Scheda
12 Trojan
13 Listen Up

Do you want to watch a full show? Support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!

Do you want to get a full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/locked-inn/2022-01-21-łódź-poland/ and write to me in order to trade!


Jeśli chcesz obejrzeć cały koncert, wesprzyj mnie na Patreon i zdobądź dostęp do godzin koncertów nagranych przeze mnie!

Jeśli chcesz otrzymać koncert w wersji DVD/BD, wejdź na https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/locked-inn/2022-01-21-łódź-poland/ i napisz do mnie by się wymienić!03:23 71 03:23Locked Inn - Thirsty (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id900 and write to me!   

Band: Lordi
Where: Klub Kwadrat, Kraków, Poland
When: 07.12.2013
Length: 52 minutes

Mr Lordi - vocals
Amen - guitar
OX - bass
Mana - drums
Hella - keyboards

01 SCG6: Otus Butcher Clinic
02 Were Not Bad for the Kids (Were Worse)
03 Get Heavy
04 This Is Heavy Metal
05 The Riff
06 Whos Your Daddy?
07 Fire in the Hole
08 Bass Solo
09 Raise Hell in Heaven
10 Im the Best
11 Candy for the Cannibal
12 The Chainsaw Buffet
13 Keyboard Solo
14 It Snows in Hell
15 Drum Solo (cut)

***MY AUTHORING***03:16 34 03:16Lordi - Im the Best (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id643 and write to me!

Band: Love/Hate
Where: LAmour, Brooklyn, NY, USA
When: 23.07.1994
Length: 60 minutes

Jizzy Pearl  vocals
Jon E. Love  guitar
Skid (Rose)  bass
Joey Gold  drums

01 Night Crawler
02 Spit
03 Beer Money
04 Yucca Man
05 Tumbleweed
06 Fuel to Run
07 Heres to You
08 Tranquilizer
09 Dont Be Afraid
10 The Boozer
11 Mary Jane
12 Lets Rumble
13 Spinning Wheel
14 Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?
15 Blackout in the Red Room
16 Shes An Angel
17 One More Round02:25 21 02:25Love/Hate - Lets Rumble (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id801 and write to me!

Band: Love/Hate
Where: The Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI, USA
When: 24.11.1990
Length: 59 minutes

Jizzy Pearl  vocals
Jon E. Love  guitar
Skid (Rose)  bass
Joey Gold  drums

01 Blackout in the Red Room
02 Tumbleweed
03 Wasted in America
04 Fuel to Run
05 One More Round
06 Rock Queen
07 I Am the Snake
08 Mary Jane
09 Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?02:15 32 02:15Love/Hate - Rock Queen (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/love-hate/1990-11-24-auburn-hills-mi-usa and write to me!

Band: Love/Hate
Where: The Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI, USA
When: 24.11.1990
Length: 59 minutes

Jizzy Pearl  vocals
Jon E. Love  guitar
Skid (Rose)  bass
Joey Gold  drums

01 Blackout in the Red Room
02 Tumbleweed
03 Wasted in America
04 Fuel to Run
05 One More Round
06 Rock Queen
07 I Am the Snake
08 Mary Jane
09 Why Do You Think They Call It Dope?02:15 55 02:15Love/Hate - Rock Queen (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1136 and write to me!

Band: Lux Perpetua
Where: Radio Lublin, Lublin, Poland
When: 09.02.2018
Length: 56 minutes

Artur Rooz Rosiński - vocals
Patryk Makać - guitar
Mateusz Matt Uścisłowski - guitar
Krzysztof Chris Rutkowski - bass
Pawel Kaplic Zasadzki- drums

01 Celebration (intro)
02 Curse of the Iron King
03 The Legend
04 Army of Salvation
05 Eversong
06 An Old Bard
07 Riders of the Dead
08 Rebellion
09 Pociąg do piekła bram
10 Consolation (outro)
11 Army of Salvation

***MY AUTHORING***06:00 22 06:00Lux Perpetua - An Old Bard (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1139 and write to me!

Band: Lux Perpetua
Where: Koza Bar, Ternopil, Ukraine
When: 17.02.2018
Length: 47 minutes

Artur Rooz Rosiński - vocals
Patryk Makać - guitar
Mateusz Matt Uścisłowski - guitar
Krzysztof Chris Rutkowski - bass
Pawel Kaplic Zasadzki- drums

01 Celebration (intro)
02 Curse of the Iron King
03 The Legend
04 Eversong
05 An Old Bard
06 Army of Salvation
05 Riders of the Dead
06 Straight Back to Hell
07 Consolation (outro)
08 Rebellion

***MY AUTHORING***03:48 24 03:48Lux Perpetua - Eversong (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1096 and write to me!

Band: Lux Perpetua
Where: VooDoo Club, Warsaw, Poland
When: 15.10.2017
Length: 62 minutes

Artur Rooz Rosiński - vocals
Tomasz Tommy Sałaciński - guitar
Mateusz Matt Uścisłowski - guitar
Krzysztof Chris Rutkowski - bass
Paweł Paul Zasadzki- drums
Magdalena Meg Tararuj - keyboards

01 Celebration (intro)
02 Curse of the Iron King
03 The Legend
04 Army of Salvation
05 Riders of the Dead
06 Rebellion
07 The Werewolf
08 Desert of Destiny
09 Straight Back to Hell (Polish version called Pociąg do piekła bram)
10 Rebellion
11 Riders of the Dead

***MY AUTHORING***05:20 30 05:20Lux Perpetua - Rebellion (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1216 and write to me!

Band: Lux Perpetua05:23 26 05:23Lux Perpetua - Rebellion (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings