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58214 odsłon wideo
Dołączył(a): 2019-11-29
Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1338 and write to me!

Band: Gamma Ray
Where: Élysée Montmartre, Paris, France
When: 06.01.2008
Length: 40 minutes

Kai Hansen - vocals, guitar
Dirk Schlächter - guitar, keyboards
Henjo Richter - guitar
Rob Schomaker - bass
Dan Zimmermann - drums

01 Welcome
02 Heaven Can Wait
03 New World Order
04 Fight
05 Empress
06 Rebellion in Dreamland
07 Into the Storm
08 Valley of the Kings
09 Heavy Metal Universe
10 Ride the Sky 
11 Somewhere Out in Space
12 Send Me a Sign03:15 24 03:15Gamma Ray - Fight (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/gorgonzolla/2020-07-30-warsaw-poland-2nd-version/and write to me!

Band: Gorgonzolla
Where: DK Świt, Warsaw, Poland
When: 30.07.2020
Length: 41 minutes

Kinga Alga Adamczak - vocals
Dominik Kudłaty Pajewski - vocals
Bogumił Boogie Panuciak - guitar
Michał Ekspert Szatanowski - guitar
Tomasz Mrozu Mrozowicz - bass
Piotr Colin Koliński - drums

01 Tomasz Knapik (intro)
02 Czołgi
03 Popiół
04 Zagubieni
05 Renata G.
06 W knajpie na dnie piekła
07 Konsumpcja
08 Eksploatowani

Filming: Michał Broś
Authoring: Gameplayer04:27 23 04:27Gorgonzolla - Czołgi (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/gorgonzolla/2020-07-30-warsaw-poland-1st-version/and write to me!

Band: Gorgonzolla
Where: DK Świt, Warsaw, Poland
When: 30.07.2020
Length: 41 minutes

Kinga Alga Adamczak - vocals
Dominik Kudłaty Pajewski - vocals
Bogumił Boogie Panuciak - guitar
Michał Ekspert Szatanowski - guitar
Tomasz Mrozu Mrozowicz - bass
Piotr Colin Koliński - drums

01 Tomasz Knapik (intro)
02 Czołgi
03 Popiół
04 Zagubieni
05 Renata G.
06 W knajpie na dnie piekła
07 Konsumpcja
08 Eksploatowani

Filming: Gameplayer
Audio: Michał Broś
Authoring: Gameplayer05:41 21 05:41Gorgonzolla - Konsumpcja (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Band | Zespół: Gorgonzolla
Where | Gdzie: Zacieralia 2022, Progresja, Warszawa
When | Kiedy: 15.01.2022
Length | Długość: 36 minut

Kinga Alga Adamczak - wokal | vocals
Dominik Kudłaty Pajewski - wokal | vocals
Bogumił Boogie Panuciak - gitara | guitar
Michał Ekspert Szatanowski - gitara | guitar
Tomasz Mrozu Mrozowicz - bas | bass
Piotr Colin Koliński - perkusja | drums

01 Zapowiedź
02 Trzecie oko Pana Kleksa (intro)
03 Tomasz Knapik intro
04 Zagubieni
05 Renata G
06 Czołgi
07 Popiół
08 Uratuj mnie
09 Potwór z szafy
10 Konsumpcja

Do you want to watch a full show? Support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!

Do you want to get a full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/ and write to me in order to trade!


Jeśli chcesz obejrzeć cały koncert, wesprzyj mnie na Patreon i zdobądź dostęp do godzin koncertów nagranych przeze mnie!

Jeśli chcesz otrzymać koncert w wersji DVD/BD, wejdź na https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/ i napisz do mnie by się wymienić!04:31 34 04:31Gorgonzolla - Zagubieni (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/gotthard/2006-10-28-nottingham-england/ and write to me!

Band: Gotthard
Where: Firefest III, Rock City, Nottingham, England
When: 28.10.2006
Length: 75 minutes

Steve Lee  vocals
Freddy Scherer  guitar
Leo Leoni  guitar
Marc Lynn  bass
Hena Habegger  drums

01 All We Are
02 Dream On
03 Hush (Joe South cover)
04 Top of the World
05 I Wonder
06 Let It Be
07 Mountain Mama
08 Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) (Bob Dylan cover)
09 Firedance
10 Lift U Up
11 Anytime Anywhere04:22 24 04:22Gotthard - I Wonder (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/gotthard/2006-10-28-nottingham-england/ and write to me!

Band: Gotthard
Where: Firefest III, Rock City, Nottingham, England
When: 28.10.2006
Length: 75 minutes

Steve Lee  vocals
Freddy Scherer  guitar
Leo Leoni  guitar
Marc Lynn  bass
Hena Habegger  drums

01 All We Are
02 Dream On
03 Hush (Joe South cover)
04 Top of the World
05 I Wonder
06 Let It Be
07 Mountain Mama
08 Quinn the Eskimo (The Mighty Quinn) (Bob Dylan cover)
09 Firedance
10 Lift U Up
11 Anytime Anywhere04:22 24 04:22Gotthard - I Wonder (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Band | Zespół: Grupa Pieseek
Where | Gdzie: Zacieralia 2022, Progresja, Warszawa
When | Kiedy: 15.01.2022
Length | Długość: 50 minut

Pan Grzegorz - wokal | vocals
? - gitara | guitar
Krzysztof Dr.Yry Radzimski - bas | bass - bas | bass
Michał Leszczyński - keyboards
Marcin Bieńkowski - keyboards
Alek Korek Korecki - saksofon | saxophone

01 Zapowiedź
02 Pan Włodek
03 Polip
04 A Jury Jury
05 Kopa w Płocku
06 Książę z Kolna
07 Stary Jamajczyk
08 Wieczorne telefony

Do you want to watch a full show? Support me on Patreon and gain access to hours of live footage recorded by myself!

Do you want to get a full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/grupa-pieseek/2022-01-15-warsaw-poland/ and write to me in order to trade!


Jeśli chcesz obejrzeć cały koncert, wesprzyj mnie na Patreon i zdobądź dostęp do godzin koncertów nagranych przeze mnie!

Jeśli chcesz otrzymać koncert w wersji DVD/BD, wejdź na https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/grupa-pieseek/2022-01-15-warsaw-poland/ i napisz do mnie by się wymienić!07:58 78 07:58Grupa Pieseek - Pan Włodek (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD/BD quality? Go here: http://gameplayerbootlegs.cba.pl/articles.php?article_id1038 and write to me!

Band: Gyze
Where: Firlej, Wrocław, Poland
When: 05.03.2017
Length: 30 minutes

Ryoji ()- vocals, guitar
Aruta ()- bass
Shuji () - drums

01 Intro
02 Final Revenge
03 Perryi Rain Dragon
04 The Bloodthirsty Prince
05 In Grief
06 Black Bride
07 Desire

***MY AUTHORING***04:23 27 04:23Gyze - Perryi Rain Dragon (Live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/h-e-a-t/2014-05-09-romagnano-sesia-italy/ and write to me!

Band: H.E.A.T
Where:  Rock n Roll Arena, Romagnano Sesia, Italy
When: 09.05.2014
Length: 80 minutes

Erik Grönwall  lead vocals
Dave Dalone  guitars, backing vocals 
Jimmy Jay  bass, backing vocals
Jona Tee  keyboards, backing vocals
Don Crash  drums, backing vocals

01 The Heat is On (intro)
02 Point of No Return
03 A Shot At Redemption
04 Better Off Alone
05 1000 Miles
06 Its All About Tonight
07 Inferno
08 The Wreckoning
09 Tearing Down the Walls
10 Mannequin Show
11 Late Night Lady
12 In and Out of Trouble
13 Beg Beg Beg
14 Downtown
15 Enemy in Me
16 Eye for an Eye
17 Danger Road
18 Emergency
19 Breaking the Silence
20 Living on the Run04:11 39 04:11H. E. A. T - Emergency (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings

Want to get full show in a DVD quality? Go here: https://gameplayerrecordings.jimdofree.com/bootleg-list/h-e-a-t/2014-05-07-frankfurt-germany/ and write to me!

Band: H.E.A.T
Where:  Zoom, Frankfurt, Germany
When: 07.05.2014
Length: 85 minutes

Erik Grönwall  lead vocals
Dave Dalone  guitars, backing vocals 
Jimmy Jay  bass, backing vocals
Jona Tee  keyboards, backing vocals
Don Crash  drums, backing vocals

01 The Heat is On (intro)
02 Point of No Return
03 A Shot At Redemption
04 Better Off Alone
05 1000 Miles
06 Its All About Tonight
07 Inferno
08 The Wreckoning
09 Tearing Down the Walls
10 Mannequin Show
11 Late Night Lady
12 In and Out of Trouble
13 Beg Beg Beg
14 Downtown
15 Enemy in Me
16 Eye for an Eye
17 Danger Road
18 Emergency
19 Breaking the Silence
20 Living on the Run03:44 40 03:44H. E. A. T - Enemy In Me (Live) 480p 480p

Dodał: Gameplayer_Recordings