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Dołączył(a): 2018-06-21
Aprende Inglés GRATIS 50 frases básicas en inglés para principiantes online. Curso de inglés expresiones básicas. Cómo Aprender Inglés? Basico frases! idioma en Inglés. ¿Listo para aprender inglés?

Learning foreign languages is easier with my videos! Listening, reading and speaking repeating after nativ lector / speaker! Fast way to learn language.

Do you want to help create channel? You live for example in France? You can translate this phrases and send on e-mail I will use them and record a lesson.
E-mail: elanguagesYT@gmail.com

Support the channel:
gestyy.com/wWx5aX - this is short link to sub my channel.

All tips / donates I will spend for channel. I want to upgrade my channel, in the future make my own website. I always dreamed about it!




Facebook group community:

Learning foreign languages never been easy like now. Listening, reading and repeating after lector / speaker.
English Spanish German Polish French Italian Japanese Russian and more languages
Free lessons education foreign languages with simple expressions
so Speak it Easy ! courses course

Aprender inglés cantando canciones infantiles
Aprende Inglés desde cero
idioma en inglés a español
aprende ingles para niños
Frases En Ingles
Conversacion en Ingles
ingles lecciones leccion
aprender ingles escuchando leyendo repitiendo
Aprende inglés en solo 5 minutos
aprender ingles con canciones
Los Pronombres Personales
CALIDAD en gramática inglesa
Aprende a Hablar Inglés el Idioma
Los verbos básicos en inglés
tutorial de Inglés Básico

Learning for everyone!
Be polyglot.10:04 106 10:04Aprender ingles para principiantes 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Elanguages

Spanish language lesson 50 basic phrases for begginers you must know. Fast way and useful expressions in Spanish.
Most common Spanish words and phrases in conversation.

Learning foreign languages is easier with my videos! Listening, reading and speaking repeating after native speaker! Fast way to learn language.

Do you want to help create channel? You live for example in France? You can translate this phrases and send on e-mail I will use them and record a lesson.
E-mail: elanguagesYT@gmail.com

Support the channel:
gestyy.com/wWx5aX - this is short link to sub my channel.

All tips / donates I will spend for channel. I want to upgrade my channel, in the future make my own website. I always dreamed about it!




Facebook group community:

Learning foreign languages never been easy like now. Listening, reading and repeating after lector / speaker.
English Spanish German Polish French Italian Japanese Russian and more languages
Free lessons education foreign languages with simple expressions
so Speak it Easy ! courses course

Learning for everyone!
Be polyglot.10:04 96 10:04Learn Spanish for begginers 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Elanguages

Spanische sprache lernen 50 Spanisch Sätze für Anfänger.
Lerne Spanisch online und kostenlos! Spanischkurs für Beginner.

Learning foreign languages is easier with my videos! Listening, reading and speaking repeating after native speaker! Fast way to learn language.

Do you want to help create channel? You live for example in France? You can translate this phrases and send on e-mail I will use them and record a lesson.
E-mail: elanguagesYT@gmail.com

Support the channel:
gestyy.com/wWx5aX - this is short link to sub my channel.

All tips / donates I will spend for channel. I want to upgrade my channel, in the future make my own website. I always dreamed about it!




Facebook group community:

Learning foreign languages never been easy like now. Listening, reading and repeating after speaker.
English Spanish German Polish French Italian Japanese Russian and more languages. Conversation.
Free lessons education foreign languages with simple expressions
so Speak it Easy ! courses course

50 Spanisch Sätze für Anfänger
Gratis Lektion Spanisch lernen schnell und einfach. Spanisch für Anfänger.
spanisch lernen im schlaf
Spanisch online lernen
Spanisch Basis Sätze
Be polyglot.10:04 125 10:04Spanisch lernen für Anfänger 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Elanguages