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201229 odsłon wideo
Dołączył(a): 2018-06-21
English alphabet ABC lesson for kids and beginners. Phonics song for children. The 26 letters of the ABC. 5 vowels and 21 consonants. 
How to pronounce the letters of the alphabet in English?
The lesson with IPA pronunciation and subtitles (captions - CC) for every country.
Learning English online sound for a kid in preschool, elementary school, nursery - listening, exercises of speaking - time to repeat after the speaker.

Social media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElanguagesYT
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elanguagesyt/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElanguagesYT
Pinterest: https://pl.pinterest.com/elanguagesyt/
Tumblr: https://elanguages.tumblr.com

Support us:
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/elanguages
Paypal: https://www.paypal.me/elanguages

How to turn on the subtitles:
1. Turn on CC
2. Settings - Subtitles/Captions - English - Auto-Translate - Choose your language and enjoy the lesson!

Learn English on YouTube, the beginner level 1
English grammar lesson #1

Contact: elanguagesyt@gmail.com03:09 288 03:09Alphabet in English 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Elanguages

Learn English, in this lesson you learn basic phrases used everyday in conversation. The sentences are very useful and used by native speakers. Listening, reading and speaking in English!

Learning foreign languages is easier with my videos! Listening, reading and speaking repeating after native speaker! Fast way to learn language.

Do you want to help create channel? You live for example in France? You can translate this phrases and send on e-mail I will use them and record a lesson.
E-mail: elanguagesYT@gmail.com

Support the channel:
gestyy.com/wWx5aX - this is short link to sub my channel.

All tips / donates I will spend for channel. I want to upgrade my channel, in the future make my own website. I always dreamed about it!




Facebook group community:

Learning foreign languages never been easy like now. Listening, reading and repeating after speaker.
English Spanish German Polish French Italian Japanese Russian and more languages. Conversation.
Free lessons education foreign languages with simple expressions
so Speak it Easy ! courses course

Learning for everyone!
Be polyglot.10:14 221 10:14Common expressions in English 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Elanguages

Englische Sprache. Gratis englisch lektion 50 Basis Sätze / phrasen englisch für Anfänger online YouTube. Learn english language phrases for Germans Deutsch.

Learning foreign languages is easier with my videos! Listening, reading and speaking repeating after native speaker! Fast way to learn language.

Do you want to help create channel? You live for example in France? You can translate this phrases and send on e-mail I will use them and record a lesson.
E-mail: elanguagesYT@gmail.com

Support the channel:
gestyy.com/wWx5aX - this is short link to sub my channel.

All tips / donates I will spend for channel. I want to upgrade my channel, in the future make my own website. I always dreamed about it!




Facebook group community:

Learning foreign languages never been easy like now. Listening, reading and repeating after lector / speaker.
English Spanish German Polish French Italian Japanese Russian and more languages
Free lessons education foreign languages with simple expressions
so Speak it Easy ! courses course

Die 1000 gebräuchlichsten Phrasen des Englischen
ENGLÄNDER lesen deutsche SÄTZE
Wichtigsten Wörter
Deutsch Häufige Ausdrücke

Learning for everyone!
Be polyglot.10:04 480 10:04Englisch lernen für Anfänger 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Elanguages

Let's create a strong community which help many people learn foreign languages for free. Video lessons, courses and tutorials for everyone and everywhere you live.
Join to facebook group Elanguages community:
Send your lesson on e-mail it can be for example just English.. or maybe alphabet of Spanish..or English phrases for Japanese people etc. everything will help other! 
Share it on facebook, twitter, instagram etc. Together we can do a lot!

Learning foreign languages is easier with my videos! Listen, look and repeat after lector / speaker!
FREE and EASY education with my films about foreign languages.

Do you want to create the channel and see your lesson on the channel? Send me your video on e-mail: elanguagesYT@gmail.com

Support the channel by tipping:

All tips / donates I will spend for channel. I want to upgrade my channel ,in the future make my own website. I always dreamed about it!

Help my channel for free. Just click this link 5x a day it's free, I've got 0,001$ per one click. Thank you very much for all clicks!


Facebook group community:
Dla polaków / for Polish:
Grupa z nauką angielskiego na facebooku dołączajcie: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1695075790519347/ 
Fanpage Angielskie Zwroty na fejsie:

Fanpages Arek Błażkowski:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Blazkowski/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ainfahx/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blazkowski
Snapchat: arekblazkowski

Learning foreign languages never been easy like now. Listening, looking and repeating after lector / speaker.
English Spanish German Polish French Italian Japanese Russian Italian Swedish Norwegian and more languages
Free lessons education foreign languages with Arek Błażkowski
so Speak it Easy ! courses course


Wszystkie słowa. All words for free. Darmowe lekcje języka angielskiego Najlepsza metoda nauki języka angielskiego jest to nauka słów słówek w języku angielskim. Patrz na pisownię na wymowę, czytaj, ucz się powtarzaj. 
Szybka i skuteczna nauka języka angielskiego dzięki metodzie 1000 najczęściej używanych słów.
1000 600 500 300 250 200 150 100 50 25 20 10 top the best all words word phrases expressions expression phrase pronounce polish language english englisch polski język poland england słówka slowka słowa slowa slow słów najczęściej używanych najczesciej uzywanych najlepsza metoda nauki nauka naucz sie się online lesson lessons lekcje lekcja z języka angielskiego angielski po angielsku zwroty proste dla początkujących for inglis begginers podstawowe podstawowych każdego w każdym wieku kurs cours course kursy angielskim doulingo j. ang. j ang zaawansowanych zawansowanych średniozaawansowanych sredniozaawansowanych profesjonalny professional most frequently najbardziej używane używanych słówek slowek method mention mentions speaker listening słuchanie powtarzanie edukacja education learning learn nauczanie speaking mówienie wymowa za darmo słownictwo gramatyka gramatic najczesciej języku jak szybko nauczyć nauczyc angielskiego zwrotow zwrotów amerykański mów po angielsku brytyjsku brytyjski jezyki jezykow języków people google u e-learning elearning najczęściej używanych nie bać się mówić po angielsku odcinek odcinkowy intensywny pigułce czasy present perfect past continous simple future typy typowe zdania zdanie wyrazy zdań podstawowy poziom level A podręcznik do rozszerzony rozszerzenie rozmówki słownik słowniczek ćwiczenia exercises task matura ustna ustny tasks exercise zadanie obcy obcym przełamać siebie talking speak listen to for everyone rozmowki phrasal verbs certyfikat conversation video filmiki filmik idiom idioms czasowniki modalne will can should could need must have I ja question quest typical napisy od zera how there is are to be take gettin' gettin daily langs hd high definition high-definition dobra jakość mikrofon trying norwegian part 1 2 3 the hardest reason beatbox challenge foreign pronouncing difficult world Spanish Germain Germany Italian Japanese French znaki fonetyczne fonetyka fonetic pronunciation puide unit common popular popularity popularnych zdań szkoła sql school schooling teach teaching instruction science study student studying training knowledge schoolteaching noun primary medium liceum technikum repetytory repetytorium podręcznik podrecznik book ebook ebooks e-book

contact: elanguagesYT@gmail.com
created by Arek Błażkowski01:19 71 01:19Learn foreign languages 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Elanguages