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Dołączył(a): 2020-03-17
Donate today and you could win the car of your dreams! https://bit.ly/WIN-BMW-M8-Competition

We love the car community, but there are a few people out there pulling scams to make a quick buck. But dont worry, were here to protect you. Join Nolan as he explains common and UNCOMMON scams, and how to protect yourself from unscrupulous grifters. 

WheelHouse answers all the questions about the automotive world you never thought to ask. Nolan Sykes looks at the history, sociology and psychology behind the cars you love, and the features you might overlook.

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.09:30 292 09:307 Car Scams You Shouldnt Fall For 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks to Keeps for sponsoring todays episode. Head on over to http://keeps.com/dlist to get 50% off your first order!

The holidays got us feeling pretty nostalgic, so we decided to buy a bunch of awesome toys we wanted when we were kids in the 1990s. Some of these toys are from the 80s and some are from the 2000s, but we think all 90s kids will remember them. And even if youre not a 90s kid, you still might recognize a few. This is The D-List!

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.14:00 28 14:007 Car Toys All 90s Kids Will Remember 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks to Omaze for sponsoring todays episode! You could win a 2020 Audi RS Q8 and $20,000 cash through Omaze! ENTER: https://bit.ly/33w0m8l 

Think you know everything about car tires? Think again! We found 7 crazy futuristic tires that already exist today. Some of them are concepts but others will actually be making it onto the road in the next few years. Wheels up, hammer down! This is The D-List. 

New to the Channel? 
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLFl907chpCa42gkh1oJxuJBN0cZ4YT1HT

We upload almost every day, subscribe so you dont miss out!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

Click here for more info on joining the Donut Underground!

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.12:10 13 12:107 FUTURISTIC Tires that Already Exist 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks to Off The Record for sponsoring this episode. Always Fight Your Tickets! Get 10% off through 2021 when you enter code Donut at: https://offtherecord.com/donut or on the Off The Record App!

Front wheel drive cars get a lot of hate. But what if we told you they can actually be fast? This is a list of 8 FWD cars that are faster than a lot of Ferraris, Porsches, and other legitimately quick supercars. And before you get it twiztid, were ranking these cars based on the ULTIMATE TEST of a cars ability: Official Nürburgring lap times. 

PS: there are probably some other faster ones than the Integra but we had to mention it as a benchmark to show how far cars have come!

Links mentioned in the video:

Engine Placement Explained: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vSiOSbHo2dvk

Best First Cars for Car People:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?vRIAKrUtCEgE

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.16:59 566 16:598 Fastest FRONT WHEEL DRIVE Cars 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Our figures are live now! WE ARE TOYS! We are super excited to collab with Youtooz on limited edition James and Nolan collectibles. They have officially dropped check out the links below to get your very own James Kentucky Cobra Pumphrey or Nolan Be Kind Sykes collectible. 

James: https://youtooz.com/products/donut-media-james
Nolan: https://youtooz.com/products/donut-media-nolan

Minivans have a rep for being boring cars, right? WRONG! These 9 minivans are straight out of hell, proving that you can take your kids to soccer practice AND flex at your local cars & coffee. From the first minivan ever to a Formula 1 powered beast, these are the 9 best minivans of all time. 

Thanks to @fakecharlesguan for letting us use pics of his Centurion!

Thanks to @brubakerbox / @dj_greyboy for letting us use pics of his Brubaker box, including the thumbnail image!

Wanna learn more about cars in rap? Check out this video of WheelHouse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vemBjBVv0vvk

New to the Channel? 
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLFl907chpCa42gkh1oJxuJBN0cZ4YT1HT

We upload almost every day, subscribe so you dont miss out!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.16:52 314 16:529 Best Minivans of All Time 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

We all make mistakes, but when car companies make mistakes it can be expensive (and sometimes deadly). This is a list of 9 engineering fails caused by car companies. Some are silly, some are serious, and some are downright scary. Buckle up and grab your bug repellant: this is D-List. 

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.14:17 570 14:179 Horrible Car Engineering FAILS 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks again to Mobil 1 motor oil for sponsoring last weeks video and hosting us at their Engine Test Center - since we like their products, weve included them in this episode too. Visit AutoZone to find the right high-quality Mobil 1 synthetic oil for you: http://bit.ly/38EvoLT

Great so you got your first project car, now its time to make sure that it is ready for some mods! Before we throw any new bits at our Mazda Miata we want to make sure that it is in good running condition and healthy. So, we will do some basic but very necessary maintenance on our project car and you should do the same. We will talk about and show you how to DIY change your engine oil, coolant, power steering fluid, diff fluid, brake fluid, and transmission fluid. Well also cover air filters, fuel filter, belts, and spark plugs. Even if you dont have a project car these are all routine basic things that you can do yourself to keep your car running for a long time and also save some money! 

Money Pit goes hands-on in the garage with Zach Jobe as he shows you the fundamental principles of how cars work, and how to apply your DIY knowledge to your very own project car --all using our very own 1994 Mazda Miata.

Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.

#DonutMedia #MoneyPit25:37 382 25:379 Things Youll REGRET Not Doing to Your Car 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Drifting is sick, but what if you wanna rip some skids in a car thats NOT a 240SX or E36? This is a list of 9 very uncommon (yet super capable) drift cars that you wont have to pay the drift tax on. These cars are undercover burners-of-rubber, and this is the ding dang D-list. 

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.16:38 547 16:389 Uncommon (But Surprisingly Good) Drift Cars 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks to Magic Spoon for sponsoring this episode! Grab a variety pack and try it today: https://magicspoon.thld.co/donut 

And Magic Spoon is so confident in their product, its backed with a 100% happiness guarantee  so if you dont like it for any reason, theyll refund your money, no questions asked.

Theres a sad truth about cars: not all of them are considered cool by enthusiasts. I mean lets face it, not every car can be a Corvette C8. But that doesnt mean uncool cars cant be fun to drive! This is a list of 9 cars that are certifiable rippers, even if most people wouldnt look twice in traffic!

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.16:52 28 16:529 Uncool Cars that are Actually FUN 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

The USA is home to some of the best cars in the world, but what if we told you some of the sickest cars of ALL TIME were NEVER imported to the United States? From JDM spicy boiz to Italian exotics, well show you 10 of the best cars that never made it to America and explain why the US never got em. You D-Holes have been asking, so here you go: welcome to our brand new show D-List!

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.22:36 113 22:3610 Best Cars the USA NEVER GOT 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks to REC Watches for sponsoring this episode of D-List.  Order yours now at http://recwatches.com and get 15% off with 15-OFF-DONUT applied at the checkout.

There are a million different car subcultures out there. But some of them are just downright weird. Today were diving into some of the strangest, most bizarre car trends on the roads. On this D-List were going to explain what these trends are, and more importantly why they even exist.

The time we did Gambler 500: https://youtu.be/k8UtSr6IY-c
The Twisted History of Truck Nuts: https://youtu.be/JdorXtmVOZ8

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Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLFl907chpCa42gkh1oJxuJBN0cZ4YT1HT

We upload almost every day, subscribe so you dont miss out!
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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.17:29 22 17:2910 Bizarre Car Trends Explained 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks again to our friends at eBay Motors for sponsoring this episode of D-List! Go DOWNLOAD the eBay Motors app: https://ebayvehicle.com/app/Donut

Power to Weight is the gold standard when it comes to measuring a vehicles performance. The better the ratio, the better a car is usually. On this list weve got 10 cars with pretty insane power to weight ratios, and leeeet me tell ya, not all of them are good!

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Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLFl907chpCa42gkh1oJxuJBN0cZ4YT1HT

We upload almost every day, subscribe so you dont miss out!
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Shop Donut Merch: 

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.17:08 268 17:0810 Cars with an INSANE Power to Weight Ratio 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Get Surfshark VPN at https://surfshark.deals/donutmedia and enter promo code DONUTMEDIA for 85% off and 3 extra months for free! 

The car industry is constantly innovating brilliant new ideas. But for every good invention, theres an equally bad one. This is a list of car inventions that didnt quite make the cut. Some of the inventions on this list are good in theory, and some are downright terrible. Plus, we even came up with an invention of our own! This is D-List!

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.16:31 495 16:3110 FAILED Car Inventions 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks to Omaze for sponsoring todays episode! You could win a 2020 Audi RS Q8 and $20,000 cash through Omaze! ENTER: https://bit.ly/34mLLwq

SUVs used to be slow, but NOT ANYMORE! This is a list of some of the fastest SUVs in the frickin world. Hellcat engines? Twin turbos? A 230 MPH SUV? We got it all on this episode of the D-List. 

Heres those other videos we mentioned:

James Drives a Trackhawk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v950xazlb_h8

Audi RS6 Avant Bumper 2 Bumper: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vtc7LXGZ0q1A

New to the Channel? 
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLFl907chpCa42gkh1oJxuJBN0cZ4YT1HT

We upload almost every day, subscribe so you dont miss out!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.15:21 93 15:2110 Fastest SUVs Ever 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Car companies are always coming up with crazy concept cars - but nothings more annoying than when an AMAZING concept car never actually gets produced! Why do they do this? Are they mocking us? This week were talking about 10 sick concept cars that never made the cut. From German semi trucks to American Miatas, this is D-LIST.

Videos mentioned:
10 cheap trucks under $10k: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vh_pNuHESPj8
The Fastest Car of Every Year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vbNAkfdno3u8
Money Pit steering rack nightmare: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vcs9ntGtcr7k
How Nissan is Blowing it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vq3_2R5bmFbk
How Nolan Saved Nissan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v66IP5kXmnCE

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We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.20:47 607 20:4710 Incredible Concept Cars WE NEVER GOT 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks to Omaze for sponsoring todays episode! You could win a 2020 Audi RS Q8 and $20,000 cash through Omaze! ENTER: https://bit.ly/32yef6H

Athletes are known for having expensive car collections. But a lot of those cars are usually boring G Wagons or Bentleys. In this episode weve got some of the most interesting and SURPRISING cars owned by world class professional athletes. From Kevin Durant to Ronda Rousey to Jackie Chan, this is D-List!

Check out our first episode on cars owned by famous people: https://youtu.be/6ET5ZfH0TPQ

And shout out to @jrsang_ for letting us use his photos!

New to the Channel? 
Watch this: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?listPLFl907chpCa42gkh1oJxuJBN0cZ4YT1HT

We upload almost every day, subscribe so you dont miss out!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.17:04 37 17:0411 Athletes with SURPRISING Cars 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Big thanks to our friends at Ebay Motors for sponsoring this weeks episode of D-List!
Go DOWNLOAD the eBay Motors app: https://ebayvehicle.com/app/Donut See which one of the cars from todays episode you can buy and even get a $100 Ebay gift card if you buy one.

Click the link to check out the Kentucky Cobras Ebay list of Best first cars:

Everyone remembers their first car! Its one of the most memorable automotive milestones. But if youre a person who likes cars, picking the right first car is a big deal. Luckily, weve got ya covered. From sensible commuters to cars that will get your knuckles greasy, this is a list of 11 best first cars for car enthusiasts like you and me!

Stuff we mentioned in this video:

HiLow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v8kef1wXcQYw&listPLFl907chpCa4URRJFT8a1-RXvCTPmXVhD

10 cheap trucks under $10k: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vh_pNuHESPj8

Wheelhouse: Best Cars under $10k: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vVuafXmP254E

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donutmedia/

Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.20:04 92 20:0411 BEST FIRST CARS (for people who like cars) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Cars are cool. But some cars arent THAT cool, ya know? But that hasnt stopped some carmakers from turning their most boring, uninspired automobiles into some actually sick vehicles. This is a list of certifiably BONKERS cars that started life as plain jane commuter cars. Doot doot youre watching D-List. 

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

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Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.16:32 163 16:3211 COOLEST Versions of Boring Cars 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Lets face it: horsepower aint cheap. Your money is valuable, and you want to get the most power for every penny you spend. Well weve got good news! Some cars out there will give you a WAY better bang for your buck when it comes to power. On this list weve got the top 11 cars with the most horsepower per dollar. In other words, these are the cheapest cars with the most HRSPRS that you can buy today!

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.17:29 28 17:2911 Cars with the Most Horsepower PER DOLLAR 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia


Auto design trends change all the time. Some trends are awesome: heated seats, rearview cameras, and Bluetooth. But on the other hand, some trends are real, real bad  like the use of bigger and bigger iPad like screens getting stuck to the dashboard, cough cough Tesla. Join Nolan as he covers some of the worst trends, and which manufacturers are the worst offenders. No one is safe on this one, we take a look at Toyota, Nissan, Subaru, Honda, Porsche, BMW, Tesla, and just about everyone in the auto industry! 

WheelHouse answers all the questions about the automotive world you never thought to ask. Nolan Sykes looks at the history, sociology and psychology behind the cars you love, and the features you might overlook.

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.10:05 279 10:0511 New Car Trends That Need to Die 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Pop-up headlights are among the greatest car innovations EVER! You know we love em - we wrote a hit song about them! But not all hidden headlamps are created equal. This list features the first, the last, and the most important pop-up headlights of all time. And weve got a big ol honorable mention list, too

For more info on the AE86, check out the episode of Up to Speed https://www.youtube.com/watch?vHBRy4-__oh0

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.18:15 118 18:1513 Best Pop-Up Headlights Ever 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Famous people love cars. But some celebrities have cars WAY more surpising than just your typical Rolls or Lambo. On this list weve got 13 famous people  from NFL players to YouTubers  with unusual cars you might not expect. This is an A-List filled D-List!

Relevant links:

HiLow: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v8kef1wXcQYw&listPLFl907chpCa4URRJFT8a1-RXvCTPmXVhD

Gucci Slide Truck: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vVbvfS-DA1UU

Best Yellow Cars: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vzRv6msgJCP4

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
Subscribe here: http://bit.ly/1JQ3qvO

Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/donutmedia/

Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.17:10 356 17:1013 Famous People with SURPRISING Cars 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks again to our friends at eBay Motors for sponsoring this episode of D-List! Go DOWNLOAD the eBay Motors app: https://ebayvehicle.com/app/Donut

Most car people will tell you a manual transmission is the only correct way to drive a car. But what if we told you that some of the best cars ever built were never offered with a stick? This is a list of 13 undeniably great cars that NEVER came with a stick shift.

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Click here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: http://www.donut.media/

Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.23:20 30 23:2013 GREAT Cars that NEVER Came with a Manual 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

BMW has blessed us with some of the greatest cars the world has ever seen. The German manufacturer is responsible for basically defining the modern sports car. But of all the brilliant vehicles theyve given us, which one is the BEST? Or more specifically  which 14 are the best? Today were looking at the best production BMWs ever made. You probably already love a few of these, but a few might catch you off-guard!

Want a Donut shirt or sticker?  Visit https://shop.donut.media/

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.23:37 53 23:3714 Best Cars BMW Ever Made 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Yellow is one of the hardest car colors to pull off. It can be one of the worst cars to paint your car but maybe it can also be the BEST. These 15 cars are proof that yellow might just be one of the best paint colors EVER. These are the top 15 best yellow cars of all time. 

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We have a Podcast! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.23:35 582 23:3515 BEST CARS EVER but theyre all yellow 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Thanks to Raycon for sponsoring todays video! Get 15% off your pair by clicking here https://buyraycon.com/donut

Curious what we use in the shop on a daily basis? Check it out below. And if you purchase these tools from these links, youre helping support Donut. We appreciate it!

Milwaukee Electric Tools 2550-20 M12 Rivet Tool (Bare Tool) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07C67BGVJ?tagbrooklinexdnm-20

Milwaukee - 48-22-0125G - 25 ft. Magnetic Tape Measure - 2-Pack 

Milwaukee 48-59-1880 M18 REDLITHIUM HIGH OUTPUT XC 8 Ah Lithium-Ion Battery and M18 /M12 Charger Kit

Milwaukee Angle Grinding 2781-22 M18 Fuel 4-1/2/5 Slide, Kit

Milwaukee 2735-20 18V Li-Ion Flashlight

Milwaukee 2557-20 M12 Fuel 3/8 Ratchet

Milwaukee 48-11-1880 M18 REDLITHIUM HIGH OUTPUT 18v 8.0 Ah Lithium-Ion Battery Pack

Milwaukee 2125-21XC M12 LED Underhood Light Kit

Milwaukee M18 FUEL 3/8 Compact Impact Wrench with Friction Ring

Adenna Dark Light 9 mil Nitrile Powder Free Exam Gloves (Black), Large - Box of 100 (DLG676)

Scott Shop Towels Original (75143), Blue, 55 Sheets / Standard Roll, 30 Rolls / Case (10 Bundles of 3 Rolls), 1,650 Towels / Case

Zep Cherry Bomb Industrial Pumice Hand Cleaner - 48 Ounce (Case of 4) ZUCBHC48CA

AIDEA Microfiber Cleaning Cloths-100PK

Barrow 52 in. Brown Large Rectangle Wood Coffee Table with Lift Top

Barrow 52 in. Brown Large Rectangle Wood Coffee Table with Lift Top

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.14:23 31 14:2350 Year Old vs Modern Welder Tested 1080p 1080p

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Thanks to eBay Motors for sponsoring this video! CLICK HERE https://ebay.to/3JE4lCK to search through thousands of tools, parts, cars and a whole lot more! You can even shop every part you see in todays episode!

Were testing socket wrenches. 100 year old vs 50 year old vs brand new Craftsman wrenches. Is it true that they dont make em like they used to? Lets find out. 

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.18:03 39 18:03100 Year-Old Socket Wrench TORTURE TEST 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

We like BMWs, but do you know what we like more? Tuned BMWs! Join James as he drives the Dinan M550i XDrive, a 600 horsepower monster with room for the whole crew. Thank you Dinan for lending us your car! 

Some of our best videos ever are coming out soon, stay tuned so you wont miss a thing!
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Check out more Donut Media Videos: https://youtu.be/Pz8IGLgFE2s?listPLF

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.05:05 8 05:05600 hp BMW M550i | The New Car Show 1080p 1080p

Dodał: DonutMedia

Which would you rather have? #shorts #donutmedia 

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Donut Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. We are drivers, drifters, and car enthusiasts who love to tell stories.00:38 20 00:38670HP vs 4-leg power

Dodał: DonutMedia