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Filmik z luna a piosenka to : Sporty-O - Let Me Hit It 

Bym napisała więcej ale nie wiem co napisać xD00:31 778 00:31Luna - When I'm on the Moon

Dodał: Diana

Piękna końcówka odc. :D01:46 1899 01:46Mlp - Finale - Defeating Chrysalis

Dodał: Diana

Piosenka w wykonaniu discorda :D04:45 568 04:45When You're Evil - PMV

Dodał: Diana

Ciekawa piosenka z odc. a canterlot wedding . Tekst :

[Queen Chrysalis]
This day is going to be perfect 
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small 
Everypony will gather round 
Say I look lovely in my gown 
What they don't know is that I have fooled them all. 

[Princess Cadance]
This day was going to be perfect 
The kind of day of which I dreamed since I was small 
But instead of having cake 
With all my friends to celebrate 
My wedding bells they may not ring for me at all. 

[Queen Chrysalis]
I could care less about the dress 
I won't partake in any cake 
Vows, well I'll be lying when I say 
That through any kind of weather 
I'll want us to be together 
The truth is I don't care for him at all 

No I do not love the groom 
In my heart there is no room 
But I still want him to be all mine! 

[Princess Cadance]
We must escape before it's too late 
Find a way to save the day 
Hope, I'll be lying if I say 
I don't fear that I may lose him 
To02:12 1648 02:12MLP - This Day Aria

Dodał: Diana

Filmik charytatywny   wspierające zwierzęta bezdomne  lub w schronisku  . Pomóżmy im :) 00:30 353 00:30I want

Dodał: Diana

Filmik z śpiewającym Dicordem xD
02:24 527 02:24Discord - You're Only Second Rate

Dodał: Diana

Kolejna część przeróbki filmiku asdf movie na pony :D00:39 1045 00:39Asdf pony 3

Dodał: Diana

Kolejna część przeróbki filmiku asdf movie na pony ^^00:42 686 00:42Asdf pony 2

Dodał: Diana

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