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Dołączył(a): 2017-11-02
Analog Man zespołu Cinemon z koncertu RAW POP #1, który odbył się 23.04.2014 w krakowskiej Alchemii.

Magnificent Muttley
Tape Reels

WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
BUY VINYL/CD: http://www.cinemon.pl/where-to-buy
STREAM/DIGITAL: https://IndependentDigital.lnk.to/ikeVE05:30 3682 05:30Cinemon - Analog Man @ RAW POP #1 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

The third studio LP from a Cracow-based band Cinemon, entitled Masters of Second-guessing available at:
Bandcamp: https://cinemon.bandcamp.com/
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/cinemon/
Winylowo: https://goo.gl/Faa8MQ
DISCOGS: https://goo.gl/Dwt0bw
Streaming services: https://independentdigital.lnk.to/Masters_of_Second_Guessing

1 I’m Gone 0:00 
2 Hold, Don’t Fall 2:57
3 The Simplest Of Truths 7:54
4 That’s What It’s All About 12:00
5 So Naive 16:51
6 A Hit For The Radio 21:37
7 Peace Of Mind 25:28
8 Twist And Turn 29:49
9 Paths, Choices And Irresistible Mistakes 34:45

Produced by Marek Szwarc, Cinemon
Engineered by Marek Szwarc @ The Rolling Tape Studios, Srebrna Góra, Sept 2015
Vocals engineering by Michał Wójcik @ SkładMuzyczny.pl, Kraków 2016
Mix by Mark Rains @ Station House Studio, Los Angeles 2016
Mastering by Paweł „Bemol” Ładniak
Release date: 6 Oct 2016
Label: Winylowo Records

cinemon.bandcamp.com39:00 4158 39:00Cinemon - Masters of Second-guessing (full album) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

you're not the same
so don't act like you could
know any better
this is my game and my rules
i figure out
there's no right and no wrong
do what i want

nobody's gonna put out the fire
not when it took so much to ignite
what we came for 's just a little bit further
close enough to reach out and touch
all wee need is little bit of love
i made a promise, now i'll make you mine

eating me up
bit by bit not much is left
not giving up
keep what i've got

video recording: dominika filipowicz, natalia olszańska, sabina filipowicz
video editing: natalia olszańska
audio recording: grzesiek pyda
live mix: arek szost
audio mix and mastering: michał wójcik
lights: krzysiek walas
music and acting: cinemon ;-)
recorded live at lizard king, dec 2012

WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
BUY VINYL/CD: http://www.cinemon.pl/where-to-buy
STREAM/DIGITAL: https://independentdigital.lnk.to/XSUn004:27 1274 04:27Cinemon - Nobody's Gonna Put Out The Fire LIVE 720p 720p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

restless days and sleepless nights
when I come to the end of the road
worked so hard but I'm afraid
it might be as well be not working out

a few a hundred or a thousand more
when exactly is enough
this one I have to figure out on my own
no-one will tell me that

win or lose or lose or gain
in an effort to last a few more breaths
all the words worth writing down
you'll never forget, right, you'll never forget

my friends and family
hope they'll remember me
I don't think they even know
what's going on in here
but I'm sure I'll remember you

my friends and family
hope they'll remember me
I don't think they even know
what's going on in here
stars and the universe
they won't remember me
but I'm sure I'll remember you

video recording: dominika filipowicz, natalia olszańska, sabina filipowicz (Visual Listening)
video editing: sabina filipowicz
audio recording: grzesiek pyda
live mix: arek szost
audio mix and mastering: michał wójcik
lights: krzysiek walas
music and acting: cinemon ;-)
recorded live at lizard king, dec 2012

WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
BUY VINYL/CD: http://www.cinemon.pl/where-to-buy
STREAM/DIGITAL: https://independentdigital.lnk.to/XSUn003:59 2942 03:59Cinemon - Remember Me LIVE 720p 720p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Cinemon's So Naive from Masters of Second-Guessing LP. Recorded live at Cavatina Studio (Bielsko Biała, Poland) on 11th March 2017. 

Michał Wójcik - guitar, vocal
Kuba Pałka - drums, vocal
Jacek Świegoda - bass

Grzegorz Łojowski @ Cavatina Studio

Arek Szost

Michał Biegański
Natalia Biegańska
Justyna Majewska

Natalia Biegańska


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdWd3ZVyGuM04:49 3820 04:49Cinemon - So Naive (LIVE at CAVATINA Studio) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Krótka, subiektywna relacja z tego co działo się w Izdebniku w zimie 2013. To znaczy - siedzieliśmy, marzliśmy, jedliśmy dobre jedzenie i oglądaliśmy norweskie filmy (i Archiwum X). Aha, i nagrywaliśmy Perfect Ocean. 

Dominika, Natalia i Sabina to wszystko nagrały, a Sabina zmontowała. Filmem tym nota bene dostała się na łódzką filmówkę. Nieźle, nie?

Ot, pamiątka. Ciężkich czasów.

WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
BUY VINYL/CD: http://www.cinemon.pl/where-to-buy
STREAM/DIGITAL: https://independentdigital.lnk.to/XSUn011:01 3795 11:01Cinemon - Wszystko Sami 720p 720p

Dodał: Cinemonpl