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Dołączył(a): 2017-11-02
Cinemon performing Neil Youngs Hey Hey My My at their rehearsal space on Dec 20th 2019.

Recorded using Fostex G16 tape machine.
Mix & mastering: Michał Wójcik
Camera: Mariusz Bysiewicz
Video editing: Michał Wójcik

Check out Cinemon:
WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
INSTA: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SOUNDCLOUD: http://soundcloud.com/cinemon
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0q8jytU3xn3FdxaVJKOWC8
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter05:41 203 05:41Cinemon - Hey Hey My My (Neil Young cover) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Sad Smiles remix of Cinemons Remember Me from Perfect Ocean.

You can listen to the album at:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5ACAXhlOtzcPGuDEPi1Pym
Bandcamp: https://cinemon.bandcamp.com/album/perfect-ocean
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vDgDZQUCndYQ

And follow Cinemon at:
FB: https://facebook.com/cinemonpl
IG: https://instagram.com/cinemonpl
NEWSLETTER: https://cinemon.pl/newsletter01:35 38 01:35Cinemon - Remember Me (Sad Smiles Remix) 720p 720p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Wojtek Famielec mix of Cinemons Remember Me from Perfect Ocean.

You can listen to the album at:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5ACAXhlOtzcPGuDEPi1Pym
Bandcamp: https://cinemon.bandcamp.com/album/perfect-ocean
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vDgDZQUCndYQ

And follow Cinemon at:
FB: https://facebook.com/cinemonpl
IG: https://instagram.com/cinemonpl
NEWSLETTER: https://cinemon.pl/newsletter03:40 40 03:40Cinemon - Remember Me (Wojtek Famielec Mix) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

An impromptu rendition of one of the bands hit songs recorded on Sept 9th 2019, at Daleys Park by Ontario Lake in Canada.

We found the park while looking for a spot to cook a dinner in our RV. So thats what we did - we played the song and had a dinner: potatoes with salad and kefir. You gotta eat healthy while on tour. 

Michał Wójcik - guitars, voc
Kuba Pałka - drums, voc
Tomek Bysiewicz - bass


WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SOUNDCLOUD: http://soundcloud.com/cinemon
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0q8jy...
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter03:38 279 03:38Cinemon - Remember Me Live at Daley Park, Canada 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Szymon Swoboda mix of Cinemons Run Like Wild from Perfect Ocean.

You can listen to the album at:
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/5ACAXhlOtzcPGuDEPi1Pym
Bandcamp: https://cinemon.bandcamp.com/album/perfect-ocean
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vDgDZQUCndYQ

And follow Cinemon at:
FB: https://facebook.com/cinemonpl
IG: https://instagram.com/cinemonpl
NEWSLETTER: https://cinemon.pl/newsletter04:19 70 04:19Cinemon - Run Like Wild (Szymon Swoboda Mix) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Live version of Cinemons Run Like Wild from Perfect Ocean album. Recorded on 26/08/2022 at Dworek Białoprądnicki, Kraków, Poland.

CAMERAS: Mariusz Bysiewicz, Dominika Borowiec, Natalia Bajek. 
EDIT: Michał Wójcik
COLOR: Szymon Wyrembak
MIX/MASTERING: Michał Wójcik
SPECIAL THANKS: Michał Korpanty at Dworek Białoprądnicki

Michał Wójcik - guitars, voc
Kuba Pałka - drums, voc
Tomek Bysiewicz - bass


WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0q8jytU3xn3FdxaVJKOWC8
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter07:27 144 07:27Cinemon - Run Like Wild (live) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Cinemon - Supercharged

The first single for the upcoming album.

DIRECTOR/EDITING: Wojtek Szumański
RECORDET AT: Jupiter Ranch Studios
MIX/MASTER: Piotr Grzegorowski

Michał Wójcik - guitars, voc
Kuba Pałka - drums, voc
Tomek Bysiewicz - bass


WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://ffm.to/sprcharged
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter 

Structures I raise
Scriptures I write
With my shaking hands

Ventures taken up 
Vultures circle in 
Sacred bleeding out

Slave to myself
And no-one else
But my grandeur

Im supercharged
Threads are running through a fuzz
Before the fuses blow out
With my eyes lit up
Waiting for someone to bless this mess

With bruised hands
Keeping the pace
Breaking rocks all day

Running headless
Fuels the race
Waters down the rage

Played upon 
Like a pawn
By the lack of sense

Im supercharged
Threads are running through a fuzz
Before fuses blow out
With my eyes lit up
Waiting for someone to bless this mess

Im supercharged
On a constant power-up
Screaming on top of my lungs
With eyes lit up
Waiting for someone to bless this mess

(notenoughness pushing further and beyond)

Im supercharged
Threads are running through a fuzz
Before the fuses blow out
With my eyes lit up
Waiting for someone to bless this mess

Im supercharged
On a constant power up
Screaming on top of my lungs
Settle down when I die
Waiting for someone to pull the plug out02:47 169 02:47Cinemon - Supercharged (official video) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Live version of Cinemons The Last Trip (from Supercharged album). 

Audio recorded 17th June 2023 at Re Klub in Krakow, PL. 
Video recored at concerts at Re, Radio 357, Jarocin Festival, Voodoo Club in the following months. 

Video: Maciek Bysiewicz
Editing: Michał Wójcik
Recording: Arek Szost
Mix/Master: Michał Wójcik

Michał Wójcik - guitars, voc
Kuba Pałka - drums, voc
Tomek Bysiewicz - bass, voc


WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0q8jytU3xn3FdxaVJKOWC8
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter04:52 145 04:52Cinemon - The Last Trip (LIVE) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Official video for Cinemon - The Last Trip is a surreal funeral party to the sound of grunge with brass section, inspired by the tragic death of Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots.

Scott Weiland was this hero of mine who went the rough road.  The band was never were big like the other seattle-era stars but he had the sort of magnetism that made you have goose bumps.

He died of overdose almost 7 years ago which bothers me to this day.  A sad story of a guy whos got everything is hiding more and more, behind things, new house, new face. And is sliding away, hoping someone will get him out just in time.

Why do stories like this happen so often in the world of music? 

Well, you dont have to overdose spectacularly to follow the similar path. Every time I sing The Last Trip, I remind myself to be present, even if its hard, and try do things differently, says Michał Wójcik, the bands leader.

DIRECTED BY: Kornel Trombik
WRITTEN BY: Kornek Trombik, Cinemon
DOP: Wojtek Koperski
LIGHTING: Kamil Sorocki, Bartosz Łach
PA: Karol Podsiadło
VFX: Kornel Trombik
MAKE-UP: Marcelina Nowak-Gozdecka Artystyczna Bohema
MAKING OF: Mariusz Bysiewicz

Boy I - Kuba Pałka
Boy II - Tomasz Bysiewicz
Priest - Wojciech Żuchowski
Deadman - Michał Wójcik
Widow - Katarzyna Małek
Cousin - Aleksandra Tokarczyk
Uncle - Marcin Wolski
Wailer - Ewa Skolias
Aunt - Katarzyna Piotrowska-Ornatkiewicz
Hand with the guitar - Kornel Trombik
Banana Guy - Rafał Klimczak

LOCATIONS (and special thanks to):
Teatr Nowy Proxima
Klub Spotkań Poczta Główna

SONG RECORDED AT: Jupiter Ranch Studios
MIX/MASTER: Piotr Grzegorowski

Michał Wójcik - guitars, voc
Kuba Pałka - drums, voc
Tomek Bysiewicz - bass


WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0q8jytU3xn3FdxaVJKOWC8
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter 

Have you seen my new face
A hardly moving paper mache
Here and there I made amends
So now Im blunter around the edge

So now sing and rejoice
Find reconnection while I
Get shit together somehow
Pick oneself up and fall

Got myself a thingy thing
Another one I can hide behind
The more of those thingies I have
The less of me remains inside

So now sing and rejoice
Find reconnection while I
Am hardly keeping my head 
Above the water somehow

Coming back from my last trip
Around the universe and up to the skies
Nothing changed since my last trip
Seems like nothing ever gets me out 

Coming back from my last trip
Around the universe and down to the rut
Nothing changed since my last trip
Hope Ill get myself out in time

Have you seen my new car (Have you seen my new car )
To get me far from myself (to get me farther from what I really am)
Oh boy oh boy did I (oh boy did I get away)
Worn thin and tripped on home stretch (worn thin and tripped right on the home stretch)

Have you seen my new house
So now Im more prestigiously alone 
Well insecured in this tower of mine 
Fuck you and your x-ray mind

So now sing and rejoice05:20 161 05:20Cinemon - The Last Trip (official video) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

The fourth single (after Supercharged, Flood and The Last Trip) preceeding the LP which is to be released in June. 


DIRECTED BY: Roch Basiński
WRITTEN BY: Roch Basiński, Bartosz Łach, Cinemon
DOP: Bartosz Łach
PA: Cinemon
MAKING OF: Cinemon

Banana Guy - Rafał Klimczak
Lemon Girl - Ania Grąbczewska
The Therapist - Jan Mancewicz

LOCATIONS (and special thanks to):
City of Krakow
Gabinet Psychologiczny Kamila Łukasiewicz https://twojpsychoterapeuta.pl

SONG RECORDED AT: Jupiter Ranch Studios
MIX/MASTER: Piotr Grzegorowski

Michał Wójcik - guitars, voc
Kuba Pałka - drums, voc
Tomek Bysiewicz - bass

Weronika Błaszczyńska (violin)
Natalia Orkisz (cello)
Julita ZIelińska (vocals)
Michał Edzi Kuczer (vocals)
Weronika Wardak (vocals)
Ola Madej (vocals)

WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: https://www.youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter 

Im not aware of whats going around
I shut the curtains and dim the light
No other plans than you tonight
Meet me at the top of the night

Not too observant of what theyre up
To, world spins its way, wont turn it around
Im watching only the tip of my life
Ill only speak of my life

I havent seen it for a while
But is it hidden still beneath?
Wade with me through the melodies
Its why theyve always been bitter-sweet
Indeed a twisted hide and seek
I still fear its down beneath

I shut my eyes and I slide below
Talk to the devil like times before
Wont take you there cause Ill be alone
I can only make it alone

I havent seen it for a while
But is it hidden still beneath?
Wade with me through the melodies
Its why theyve always been bitter-sweet
Indeed a twisted hide and seek
I still fear its down beneath

(Theres no need
For hide and seek)

I took the pill
Im on the top of my life
Conquered the world
On the top of my high
Dig down beneath
The layers of lies
Theres void i fear
Theres void i fear

I havent seen it for a while
But is it hidden still beneath?
Wade with me through the melodies
Its why theyve always been bitter-sweet
Indeed a twisted hide and seek
I still fear its down beneath

(Theres no need
For hide and seek)06:00 142 06:00Cinemon - Twisted Hide and Seek (official video) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Siiilleeent Night... nay. Instead, we offer you an intimate pre-christmas evening with your favourite band - that is us, in case you wondered. 

Join us at Facebook on 18th December at 8 p.m. You don't even have to leave your bedroom! 

We'll play some of the best Cinemon songs and generate some christmas mood. All that for you! 

The stream will be available here: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl/
You can join the event to stay up to date: http://www.facebook.com/events/229099750852349/00:33 1710 00:33Cinemon Christmas Livestream Teaser 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Cinemon opowiada o swoich numerach (bo niby o czym miałby opowiadać?). Tym razem Michał o Hold, Dont Fall z płyty Masters of Second-guessing.

Michał gra na wzmacniaczu Supro i na strunach Elixir - dlatego takie dobre numery robi ;-) 

Piosenki posłuchaj na: https://open.spotify.com/track/6sAxjt7LEu727yEgwHd6SU?si55c5eb378ae644e8

Płytę zgarnij stąd:

A tu możesz nam kibicować:
WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0q8jy...
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter00:04 279 00:04Cinemon Inside - Hold, Dont Fall 720p 720p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Cinemon opowiada o swoich numerach (bo niby o czym miałby opowiadać?). Tym razem Michał o So Naive z płyty Masters of Second-guessing.

Michał gra na wzmacniaczu Supro i na strunach Elixir - dlatego takie dobre numery robi ;-) 

Piosenki posłuchaj na:  https://open.spotify.com/track/1oQRBCgbfbgaomLvVxAGP5?si1b25ff3850a84d13

Płytę zgarnij stąd:

A tu możesz nam kibicować:
WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0q8jy...
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter00:03 267 00:03Cinemon Inside: So Naive 720p 720p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Cinemon opowiada o swoich numerach (bo niby o czym miałby opowiadać?). Tym razem Michał mówi o The Worst Band in the World - o filozofii trzech akordów, saksofonach Mikołaja Trzaski i dźwięku uuułłł na końcu utworu.
Piosenki posłuchaj na: https://open.spotify.com/album/0DdrhDq8pIil7IqBwgEfki

Płytę zgarnij stąd: https://cinemon.pl/store

A tu możesz nam kibicować:
WWW: http://www.cinemon.pl
FB: http://www.fb.com/cinemonpl
YT: http://youtube.com/cinemonpl
IG: http://instagram.com/cinemonpl
BANDCAMP: http://cinemon.bandcamp.com
SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0q8jytU3xn3FdxaVJKOWC8
NEWSLETTER: http://cinemon.pl/newsletter11:16 235 11:16Cinemon Inside: The Worst Band in the World 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Cinemon playing, talking, doing things.01:33:00 222 01:33:00Cinemon Inside Live #1 720p 720p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Regular live streams from Cinemon studio. Off we go!

00:09:31 - Peace of Mind
00:16:37 - Three Days
00:23:12 - Bleeding-heart Blues
00:31:56 - Big Bang Baby (Stone Temple Pilots Cover)
00:38:07 - Mike the Headless Chicken
00:44:24 - Joy of the Trial

Listen on Spotify https://ffm.to/bleedingheartblues
Follow on FB  https://facebook.com/cinemonpl
Buy on Bandcamp  https://cinemon.bandcamp.pl
Subscribe to Newsletter  https://cinemon.pl/newsletter51:25 160 51:25Cinemon LIVE ON-LINE #3 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Regular live streams from Cinemon studio. Off we go!

Listen on Spotify https://ffm.to/twistedhideandseek
Follow on FB  https://facebook.com/cinemonpl
Buy on Bandcamp  https://cinemon.bandcamp.pl
Subscribe to Newsletter  https://cinemon.pl/newsletter34:10 175 34:10Cinemon LIVE ON-LINE #4 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Release concert for new single: Bleeding-heart Blues 

Listen on Spotify https://ffm.to/bleedingheartblues
Support Ukraine  https://savelife.in.ua/en/36:25 173 36:25Cinemon LIVE ON-LINE (release concert) 1080p 1080p

Dodał: Cinemonpl

Cinemon playing, talking, doing things.00:53 183 00:53Cinemon Rehearsal czyli próba #2 720p 720p

Dodał: Cinemonpl