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Dołączył(a): 2020-03-24
00:11 42 00:11 W Rizz or? #shorts

Dodał: BratTV

00:07 24 00:07 We put on a SHOW #shorts

Dodał: BratTV

00:16 12 00:16We still have each other ...

Dodał: BratTV

#brat #brattv #brattvshows #birdie #chickengirls #chickengirlscollegeyears #cgcy00:05 56 00:05What a ride

Dodał: BratTV

#brat #brattv #brattvshows #chickengirls #chickengirlscollegeyears #mani #charmers #crownlake #zoevalentine #attawaygeneral #juniors #stagefright00:05 37 00:05What show did you land on?

Dodał: BratTV

#brat #brattv #brattvshows #chickengirls #chickengirlscollegeyears #cgcy #college #indianamassara #madslewis #emilyuribe00:29 18 00:29Whats wrong Birdie? You seem kinda jealous #cgcy 1080p 1080p

Dodał: BratTV

#brat #brattv #brattvshows #chickengirls #dating #lovelanguage00:58 25 00:58Whats your love language? #chickengirls 1080p 1080p

Dodał: BratTV

00:18 33 00:18What would you do..? #shorts

Dodał: BratTV

Four contestants compete in a series of challenges to help Cherrish Jackson find out whos most like her. At the end of the game, Cherish will try to correctly guess her secret twin - and if the personality quiz proves her right, the whole group wins BIG!16:58 20 16:58Which Ones Her Secret Match? 1080p 1080p

Dodał: BratTV

Four contestants compete in a series of challenges to help Alexander Wong find out whos most like him. At the end of the game, Alexander will try to correctly guess his secret twin - and if the personality quiz proves him right, the whole group wins BIG!11:37 15 11:37Which Two Are Secretly Most Alike? 1080p 1080p

Dodał: BratTV

Three members of the Brat Pack go head-to-head to see who is two of a kind with Victoria Belle and compete for the chance to win BIG!

Victoria Belle: @VictoriaBelle1111 

Kaido Roberts:  @kaidoleeroberts429  

Ava Otto: @avaotto 

Lisi German: @lisi.shopsyoutube 

Venice Wong: @venicemaywong 
                          https://www.tiktok.com/@venicewong4u?_t8iuRbP1tCGc&_r114:18 28 14:18Who Is 2 of a Kind with Victoria Belle? 1080p 1080p

Dodał: BratTV

00:12 13 00:12Who WON This Trend? #shorts

Dodał: BratTV

00:07 30 00:07 Who Wants a DRINK? #shorts

Dodał: BratTV

00:14 43 00:14Who is Hot Art Guy? #shorts

Dodał: BratTV