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Dołączył(a): 2018-01-02
Help! is a 1965 British musical comedy-adventure film directed by Richard Lester, starring the Beatles and featuring Leo McKern, Eleanor Bron, Victor Spinetti, John Bluthal, Roy Kinnear and Patrick Cargill. The second film starring the Beatles following Lesters A Hard Days Night, Help! sees the group struggle to record their new album while trying to protect Starr from a sinister cult and a pair of mad scientists, all of whom are obsessed with obtaining one of his rings.The soundtrack was released as an album, also called Help!

The film had its Royal World Premiere at the London Pavilion Theatre in the West End of London on 29 July 1965 in the presence of Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon and the Earl of Snowdon. While not reviewed at the time with the same high level of admiration as their first film, the film is now credited with influencing the development of music videos.

The songs played during the film are:
Youre Going to Lose That Girl
Youve Got to Hide Your Love Away
Ticket to Ride
I Need You
The Night Before interspersed with excerpts of Shes A Woman, with an explosion at the end not heard on the Beatles commercial recordings. Also played as an instrumental
Another Girl
Shes a Woman (heard in the background, on a tape machine, and underground in the Salisbury Plain scene)
A Hard Days Night titled on the US soundtrack album as Another Hard Days Night (played by Indian musicians and as an instrumental medley comprising A Hard Days Night, Cant Buy Me Love and I Should Have Known Better)
Im Happy Just to Dance with You (played by a band during the bike-riding scene)
You Cant Do That (played as an instrumental during the Austrian Alps sequence)
From Me to You titled on the US soundtrack album as From Me to You Fantasy (played as an instrumental during scenes of attempts to remove the ring from Ringos finger while he sleeps in the Beatles communal house)01:32:12 7458 01:32:12Help! (1965) + English subtitles

Dodał: Andrzej_Zaucha

Pamiętasz Jędrek - 1 część koncertu zarejestrowanego w dniu 16 listopada 1990 r. w krakowskim klubie Pod Jaszczurami z udziałem Andrzeja Zauchy, Andrzeja Sikorowskiego, Krzysztofa Piaseckiego, Danuty Błażejczyk, Lory Szafran, Mietka Szcześniaka i Zbigniewa Wodeckiego. Prowadzenie - Zbigniew Książek.01:00:04 281 01:00:04Koncert Pamiętasz Jędrek cz. 1 (1990) 720p 720p

Dodał: Andrzej_Zaucha

Pamiętasz Jędrek - 2 część koncertu zarejestrowanego w dniu 16 listopada 1990 r. w krakowskim klubie Pod Jaszczurami z udziałem Andrzeja Zauchy, Andrzeja Sikorowskiego, Krzysztofa Piaseckiego, Danuty Błażejczyk, Lory Szafran, Mietka Szcześniaka i Zbigniewa Wodeckiego. Prowadzenie - Zbigniew Książek.55:30 154 55:30Koncert Pamiętasz Jędrek cz. 2 (1990) 720p 720p

Dodał: Andrzej_Zaucha

Koncert zespołu Lady Pank w Operze Leśnej w Sopocie (1985).
W 1985 roku zespół wystąpił jako gwiazda festiwalu w Sopocie. Był to pierwszy koncert gdy zespół rozstał się z perkusistą, Jarosławem Szlagowskim, a jego miejsce zajął Andrzej Dylewski,ten sam który wziął udział w nagraniu pierwszego utworu Mała Lady Pank.
Set lista:
1. Tańcz Głupia Tańcz
2. Vademecum Skauta
3. Swojski Brodłej
4. Du Du
5. Someones Round The Corner
6. Kryzysowa Narzeczona
7. On Top
8. Zamki Na Piasku
9. Wciąż Bardziej Obcy
10. Mniej Niż Zero
11. Czas Na Mały Blues
12. Raport z N
13. Sztuka Latania
14. Fabryka Małp
15. To Jest Tylko Rock&Roll01:13:53 1317 01:13:53Lady Pank (koncert, Sopot Festiwal, 1985) 720p 720p

Dodał: Andrzej_Zaucha

Koncert w ramach plenerowych wojaży Magazynu Muzycznego Rytm Polskiego Radia, tym razem relacja ze Złotowa 90.
Wystąpili m.in. Andrzej Zaucha, Alicja Majewska, Lora Szafran, Mietek Szcześniak, Grażyna Świtała, grupa Vox.01:02:47 470 01:02:47Magazyn Muzyczny Rytm - festiwal Złotów 90 720p 720p

Dodał: Andrzej_Zaucha

Magical Mystery Tour is a 1967 British made-for-television musical film directed by and starring the Beatles. It is the third film that starred the band and depicts a group of people on a coach tour who experience strange happenings caused by magicians. The premise was inspired by Ken Keseys Furthur adventures with the Merry Pranksters and the then-popular coach trips from Liverpool to see the Blackpool Lights. Paul McCartney is credited with conceptualising and leading the project.
The film originally aired on BBC1, in black-and-white, on Boxing Day, 26 December 1967.A colour transmission followed on BBC2 on 5 January 1968. It was poorly received by critics and audiences, although its accompanying soundtrack was a commercial and critical success. The film received an American theatrical release in 1974 by New Line Cinema, and in select theatres worldwide in 2012 by Apple Films.

The songs in order of their use in the movie, written by Lennon-McCartney unless otherwise indicated:

Magical Mystery Tour
The Fool on the Hill
She Loves You (played on a fairground organ, part of the general medley of background music during the impromptu race)
Flying (Lennon/McCartney/George Harrison/Richard Starkey)
All My Loving (background music, orchestrated in the style of the Pas de deux section from Tchaikovskys The Nutcracker ballet)[45]
I Am the Walrus
Jessies Dream (an instrumental, not released on any official audio recording)
Blue Jay Way (Harrison)
Death Cab for Cutie (performed by the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band) (Vivian Stanshall/Neil Innes)
Your Mother Should Know
Magical Mystery Tour (Reprise) (credited as part of the full Magical Mystery Tour, but this is not the case)
Hello, Goodbye (part, finale played over end credits)53:26 2840 53:26Magical Mystery Tour (1967) 480p 480p

Dodał: Andrzej_Zaucha

Ogród Luizy - program telewizyjny z 1979 r. z udziałem Marka Grechuty.18:27 712 18:27Marek Grechuta - Ogród Luizy (1979) 720p 720p

Dodał: Andrzej_Zaucha

Zespół Music Market z udziałem Anny Jurksztowicz (fragment programu TVP z serii Gwiazdozbiór poświęcony Annie Jurksztowicz)05:11 181 05:11Music Market i AJ 720p 720p

Dodał: Andrzej_Zaucha