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Released: November 2, 1998
Description: Bill Parrish, media tycoon, loving father and still a human being, is about to celebrate his 65th birthday. One morning, he is contacted by the Inevitable - by hallucination, as he thinks. Later, Death itself enters his home and his life, personified in a mans body: Joe Black has arrived. His intention was to take Bill with him, but accidentally, Joes former host and Bills beautiful daughter Susan have already met. Joe begins to develop certain interest in life on earth as well as in Susan, who has no clue who shes flirting with.

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W katalogu: Movies
4.0 / 5 Oceny: 3
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Komentarze do: Meet Joe Black (1998) ENG
Najlepsze komentarze
anonim215 (*.*.71.215) 2024-05-08 19:46:50 0
fajny film, na pewnno warto obejrzec ale Claire Forlani mnie wyjatkowo drazni w roli nieskazitelnej bohaterki ze wzrokiem zranionej łani. tej jej niewinne miny mnie wyjatkowo irytuja. Odpowiedz
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